The Dream Page
What do you dream about? This is a cool page talking about dreams you had. Have fun in this inspiring page!

Would you rather have day dreams or night dreams? Why?

on August 01, 2014

both!!! day dreams help me escape reality (specially when people talk about boring stuff then i go into space :D) ... while night dreams are comfortable :)
on December 30, 2013
on December 14, 2013

Have you guys noticed that in books the characters always have these weird dreams?

:D yes!! and since i have weird dreams i pretend i'm the heroine from a book (it's even more weird i know :D)
on December 10, 2013
on December 04, 2013

Did you know that you dream every night?
on November 23, 2013

What are your worst nightmares?

That sounds scary!! I have nightmares about being alone. I was on a train, empty. It was the middle of the night. No one was driving it: Just me, sitting in one of the cars. The train would go on and on and on and on...
on November 13, 2013

Nightmares about snakes! i really really hate snakes. they come after me in my dreams, they even fly and jump and leap on me at times. trust me its really scary :(( what nightmares do u have???:)
on November 13, 2013
on November 13, 2013

Last night I dreamed up this world called "Dreamland" that I visit in my sleep. It is located in the clouds, and there's an area where you write songs, a village area where you meet dream friends, and I even had my own dream house with all the things I want in it! I made some new friends. There was a dock in the corner that hovers over the real world, and it shakes a lot. It was scary standing on it. On the dream deck, I saw a boy I knew. I said, "How do I get home?" He said, See More "Jump of into the sky and say your address clearly." I did, and right when I was landing, I woke up. (This is a real dream I swear!!!) So, next time when you're asleep, and you know you're dreaming, come visit me in my Dreamworld. :)

Well, they had to but this really sharp needle in my arm before I went to sleep, and through the night they pumped over 3 litres of fluids into my arm! It wasn't really painful, just uncomfortable.
on November 03, 2013

on November 02, 2013

I dream rubbish dreams. My one last night was getting stabbed by a giant needle. It makes sense, I was in hospital, I've only just come home, and I had to have loads of injections because I was so ill. So yeah, I can understand that dream!
on November 02, 2013
on November 02, 2013