This page is for all the riddlers and Qfeasters who enjoy a good puzzle.
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Something quite and related to a giraffe and lives in the forest (this is to easy)

@Wolfie_The_Pet_Wolf yep :3
on August 05, 2015

on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

If you add one to four, you get five, but take one away from four and you get five. How?
on August 04, 2015

What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?
on August 04, 2015

Mom and Dad have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family?
on August 04, 2015

What are four days of the week that start with the letter "T"?
on August 04, 2015

What can you hear, but you can't see, that only talks when you talk to it?
on August 04, 2015

What belongs to you but others use it more than you do?
on August 04, 2015

Has anyone ever heard of the game, green glass door? Oh its fun to know the trick to it!
on August 04, 2015

What is the longest word in the dictionary?

I know what the biggest asshole of a word in the dictionary is XD look up the fear if long words XD
on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

A girl wakes up in the middle of the night, she goes and gets a cup of water turns the light out and goes back to bed, the next morning hundreds of people died and it was her fault, why?

it's one of those riddles where you can't really guess but once you have the answer it's really cool
on August 05, 2015

on August 04, 2015

on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

A man pushes his car up to a hotel, why?
on August 04, 2015

Ok this is a long one, so bear with me. Also, you are allowed to ask yes or no questions.
A man lives on the 12th floor of a building. Everyday he goes out for a walk. He takes the elevator down. If it is raining that day, he takes the elevator all the way up to the 12th floor, where he lives. But if not, he takes the elevator up to a lower level and walks up the stairs for the remaining floors. Why does he do that?
A man lives on the 12th floor of a building. Everyday he goes out for a walk. He takes the elevator down. If it is raining that day, he takes the elevator all the way up to the 12th floor, where he lives. But if not, he takes the elevator up to a lower level and walks up the stairs for the remaining floors. Why does he do that?

He's too small to reach the 12th floor button, but when it's raining he uses an umbrella to press it.
on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

A maple tree drops an acorn on the top of a building where the two parts of the room meets, what side does the acorn fall onto?
on August 04, 2015

(One more before bed.) You are locked in a car and only have a hammer. Without hurting the car, how can you get out?
on August 04, 2015

A monkey, a squirrel, and a bird are racing to the top of a coconut tree. Who will get the banana first: the monkey, the squirrel, or the bird?
on August 04, 2015

What have I got in my pocket?
on August 04, 2015

on August 04, 2015

You enter a room. The door closes. When they open again, you are somewhere else.
on August 04, 2015

This one takes a lot to get but.....
A man goes to a seafood restaurant after being rescued after being stranded because the ship he was on sank, he orders albatross, the waiter brings him the food and leaves, the man takes a bite and cries, why?
A man goes to a seafood restaurant after being rescued after being stranded because the ship he was on sank, he orders albatross, the waiter brings him the food and leaves, the man takes a bite and cries, why?

When he was stranded, his wife died and his friend fed him the wife lying and saying it was albatross. Now the man tastes actual albatross and realizes his friend fed him his wife.
on November 15, 2016

some crap about the birds being a symbol of hope for seaman cause they lead them back to land .-.
on August 04, 2015

@FandomLover look up albatross riddle it should come up, it has a very very long reasoning and explanation or if you pm me I can give you a condensed answer
on August 04, 2015
on August 04, 2015

Two fathers and two sons go on a fishing trip. They each catch only one fish and bring only three fish home. What?
on August 04, 2015