Kindest and most Respectful person: @RedribbonedGirl
Most honest and intelligent: @JeweledOwl812
Friendliest person: @MockingjayDistrict
Most artistic and creative person: @Ravenclaw3243
Most honest and intelligent: @JeweledOwl812
Friendliest person: @MockingjayDistrict
Most artistic and creative person: @Ravenclaw3243

on December 31, 2014

^///^ Aww~ Thank you!! *trying my hardest not to faint*
on December 31, 2014
on December 31, 2014

Name: Aurora
Age: 17
Species: Witch
Fandom: Harry Potter
Personality: Quizzical, Resourceful, Courageous, and Caring. A bit hot-headed
Likes: Nature! Quitddich! Photography!
Dislikes: Rude people and You-Know-Who See More
Other: Appearance: Straight, Long, Chestnut hair. Green eyes. Glasses. Pale-ish skin
Age: 17
Species: Witch
Fandom: Harry Potter
Personality: Quizzical, Resourceful, Courageous, and Caring. A bit hot-headed
Likes: Nature! Quitddich! Photography!
Dislikes: Rude people and You-Know-Who See More
Other: Appearance: Straight, Long, Chestnut hair. Green eyes. Glasses. Pale-ish skin
on December 30, 2014

on December 29, 2014

Name: Charlotte Chaesou
Age: 17
Estate: 3rd
Proffesion: Shopkeeper (Tailor shop)
Appearance: Light brown hair in a ponytail, hazel eyes, pale skin
Family: Mother: Aurore Chaesou, Father: Jacques Chaesou, Older sister: Constance Eslou (married)
Backstory: Hasn't spoken to Constance ever since Constance started to honor the queen. Constance shut herself out from her family. Charlotte misses her sister desperately. Mother and father are against the queen. Charlotte believes in a See More brighter future.
Age: 17
Estate: 3rd
Proffesion: Shopkeeper (Tailor shop)
Appearance: Light brown hair in a ponytail, hazel eyes, pale skin
Family: Mother: Aurore Chaesou, Father: Jacques Chaesou, Older sister: Constance Eslou (married)
Backstory: Hasn't spoken to Constance ever since Constance started to honor the queen. Constance shut herself out from her family. Charlotte misses her sister desperately. Mother and father are against the queen. Charlotte believes in a See More brighter future.
on December 29, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

on December 29, 2014

on December 29, 2014

Has anyone watched the Tom and Jerry version of Sherlock Homes?
on December 29, 2014

There is a Sherlock game at Barnes and Nobles where you solve mysteries. I want it sooo bad!
on December 29, 2014

You are a awesome potato. Don't ever forget that potato friend :3
on December 29, 2014

I get upset too easily. I have the habit of taking the blame for everything.
on December 29, 2014

Hello :)

XD lol I made a taco song ..
A b c d e f g , tacos are so very yummy
One is cheeses one is meaty one is peeing on your shoez
Now I'm running for meh life
Cuz da cheesy one has a knife
A b c d e f g , tacos are so very yummy
One is cheeses one is meaty one is peeing on your shoez
Now I'm running for meh life
Cuz da cheesy one has a knife
on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014

magic101 added a question to the starred list

Happy Holidays! What Did You Get in 2014? Do you celebrate Christmas? Or Chanukah? Or d...
on December 29, 2014

Regular people say: Facebook, we say: Qfeast
Regular people say: cartoons, We say: anime
Regular people say: Weirdos, We say: Unique
Regular people say: I love katy perry, We say: I love reading
Regular people say: Scary stories, We Say: creepypasta
Regular people would ignore this., We'wouldn't
Repost if your part of that "we" See More
~Edited To Match ME (@Bookworm10)
Regular people say: cartoons, We say: anime
Regular people say: Weirdos, We say: Unique
Regular people say: I love katy perry, We say: I love reading
Regular people say: Scary stories, We Say: creepypasta
Regular people would ignore this., We'wouldn't
Repost if your part of that "we" See More
~Edited To Match ME (@Bookworm10)
on December 28, 2014

Big Hero 6 is my favorite movie toooo!
on December 28, 2014