French Revolution RP
The year is 1788. Bread prices are rising but wages are not. You can be part of the 1st estate/class (the clergy: archbishop, bishop, village priest, monk, nun) 2nd estate/class (nobles who inherit land, wealth) 3rd estate/class (the 97% of France that are: farmers, urban workers, craftsmen, shopkeepers, convicts, beggars, middle class - doctors, lawyers and merchants who are rich and educated, who know about enlightenment(revolution ideas) because they read. Farmers wouldn't know as they can't read.

Name: Charlotte Chaesou
Age: 17
Estate: 3rd
Proffesion: Shopkeeper (Tailor shop)
Appearance: Light brown hair in a ponytail, hazel eyes, pale skin
Family: Mother: Aurore Chaesou, Father: Jacques Chaesou, Older sister: Constance Eslou (married)
Backstory: Hasn't spoken to Constance ever since Constance started to honor the queen. Constance shut herself out from her family. Charlotte misses her sister desperately. Mother and father are against the queen. Charlotte believes in a See More brighter future.
Age: 17
Estate: 3rd
Proffesion: Shopkeeper (Tailor shop)
Appearance: Light brown hair in a ponytail, hazel eyes, pale skin
Family: Mother: Aurore Chaesou, Father: Jacques Chaesou, Older sister: Constance Eslou (married)
Backstory: Hasn't spoken to Constance ever since Constance started to honor the queen. Constance shut herself out from her family. Charlotte misses her sister desperately. Mother and father are against the queen. Charlotte believes in a See More brighter future.
on December 29, 2014

Eloise:*on the steps of the Lancaster manor, feeling very small and poor in the wake of the vast stone pristine house*
*draws herself up tall and knocks, hoping Ndeye would open the door and not her father or other relatives*
*Jacque on her hip, almost too heavy now*
*draws herself up tall and knocks, hoping Ndeye would open the door and not her father or other relatives*
*Jacque on her hip, almost too heavy now*

on December 29, 2014
on December 29, 2014

Eloise:*shoving the bread she dropped to the kitchen side, setting a bouncing Jacque in a chair and getting a stew on*
*once the rich broth was bubbling away nicely, she took out the steaming plum pie she'd put in earlier and put it on the windowsill to cool, the gorgeous smell snatched away by the breeze into the street*
*once the rich broth was bubbling away nicely, she took out the steaming plum pie she'd put in earlier and put it on the windowsill to cool, the gorgeous smell snatched away by the breeze into the street*

on November 22, 2014

Ndeye: *she looked at Eloise surprised, impressed, and fascinated* Well, it is settled then. *she nodded thoughtfully*
on November 22, 2014

Eloise:*nods, smoothing her apron down* Very well. I accept your offer, but I will not let you pay to educate him. If he has any brains, he can earn them back when he grows up.
on November 22, 2014

Ndeye: As I stated before, these children are the future of France and I don't want the future to be of the rich only getting richer and the poor only getting poorer. I believe firmly that if these children learn to stand up for themselves and have the logic and knowledge to back themselves up, they will succeed in beating those who only have money in their heads.
on November 22, 2014
on November 04, 2014

Brother Clovis: *Walking back to the rectory after overseeing the death of another man. He prays silently for the family's loss*

Eloise:*nodding, resolving to remember him* Eloise Baujette, baker's daughter and wife of Raoul the physician. *hefting Jacque on her hip, a little higher* Who will be wanting dinner soon, the hungry string bean. *shakes her head at the thought of her tall husband who never got fatter no matter how much she stuffed him* I'd better be off, au revoir Frere Clovis. See More *flashing a quick smile, heading to her home*
on November 04, 2014

Brother Clovis: Clovis, Madam. I am a parish priest and humble serve to the Father Almighty.
on October 31, 2014

Jacque:*noticing he didn't talk down to him, and liking it very much*
*beaming at him, unsure what the flowery language meant but sure it was something nice*
Eloise:*dipping her head* As to you, Brother? *asking his name in return*
*beaming at him, unsure what the flowery language meant but sure it was something nice*
Eloise:*dipping her head* As to you, Brother? *asking his name in return*
on October 30, 2014

Brother Clovis: Jacque. A handsome name for a handsome young man. *Speaking as if to his equal* I am Brother Clovis, pleasure to meet you. Likewise, Madame.
on October 25, 2014

Jacque:Shack! *bouncing at his name, proud*
Eloise:Close enough, chou-chou. *her eyes skimming over his tufts of hair, reminding her to give him a thorough scrub soon*
Eloise:Close enough, chou-chou. *her eyes skimming over his tufts of hair, reminding her to give him a thorough scrub soon*
on October 25, 2014
on October 23, 2014

Brother Clovis: *At the rectory, he prays at the altar* Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for Your glories and boundless gifts. I ask for the well being of so many of Your children. I pray that they may see Your light in a time of such hopelessness and darkness. Lord, I pray for strength to carry out your will, and the means to do so. I pray for the peace of this land, and for the expulsion of the wickedness in the hearts of so many. Forgive those who do wrong, for they do not know See More the enemy is at work in them. I ask this in Your Holy Name. Amen. *sign of the cross*

on November 05, 2014

Brother Clovis: Well then perhaps we must make the first paint stroke. But they alone must choose if they continue. It is a hard world we live in, but we don't have to live in it alone. You are a brilliant young man, I can tell. You are not ignorant like so many. I hope you continue to make the most of your gifts.
on November 05, 2014

Lloyd: *nods* I appreciate that greatly, sir. The world, I fear, will not become any less bleak to those who do not paint it with their own pallet.
on November 05, 2014

Brother Clovis: And you shall be welcome. I tell you, the world is not nearly as bleak as it seems.
on November 05, 2014

Lloyd: *nods and stands* Merci, monsieur but... *shakes head sighing* I appreciate your time and faith in me but my father believes... *shakes head again* I will come as often as I can.
on October 28, 2014
on October 18, 2014

Raoul:*at the house of an ailing person, performing tests with a grim face*

Ndeye: *she sighed moving her sleeves back over her arms before running off to teach a dozen children who had showed up for bread and lessons*
on October 20, 2014

Raoul:*releases her* Then you are blind, mademoiselle. I am sorry. *tips his hat* Good day, I hope to see you again. Lye and lemongrass on those bruises. *walks off, long strides down the streets of Paris*
on October 20, 2014

Ndeye: Oh, do not tell me you believe it to. *she sighed shaking her head* My father still rambles on about the people rebelling. *she looked to her arms again still in his hands* I do not want to believe it, monsieur.
on October 20, 2014

on October 20, 2014

Ndeye: Every where. Last night I was attacked just down there. *points down a road* It's almost as if they smell noble blood.
on October 20, 2014
on October 18, 2014

Name: Brother Clovis
Age: 34
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: Clergyman- village priest
Family: His parents live in Avignon. He has a brother, though they are not close
Appearance: Simple appearance, due to devoting his life to God. He seems aged. His face is careworn and wise.
Backstory: He was once a very troubled youth (stealing, vandalism, violence), then when going to repent he received an epiphany and decided to live a life of righteousness. He very much believes See More in compassion and second chances. He disapproves of the greed and wickedness of the upper classes, and seeks every day for something to change his mind about them.
Age: 34
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: Clergyman- village priest
Family: His parents live in Avignon. He has a brother, though they are not close
Appearance: Simple appearance, due to devoting his life to God. He seems aged. His face is careworn and wise.
Backstory: He was once a very troubled youth (stealing, vandalism, violence), then when going to repent he received an epiphany and decided to live a life of righteousness. He very much believes See More in compassion and second chances. He disapproves of the greed and wickedness of the upper classes, and seeks every day for something to change his mind about them.
on October 17, 2014

Name: Ndeye (pronounced ne-DAY) Lancaster
Age: 18
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: Tutor
Family: The Lancaster House: Her father is a very rich general and her mother one of the few female doctors. Her elder brother, Jared, is deaf so she cares for him. Her twin brother, Lloyd, is a student.
Appearance: She is very angular and incredibly thin, she is quite short though which frustrates her often (basically she is the epitome of petite), she has platinum blonde hair See More that sometimes looks silver, but her most striking feature is her eyes: they are icy green almost like a frost, mint green
Backstory: She was born into a rich family but found herself always friends with those less fortunate than her. She took up tutoring and teaches for 3 families. When she is not doing that though, she sneaks out and educates all the homeless. Her father and her are often at odds but her mother is very proud of her. She really loves helping people and will go to all ends to do so.
Name: Lloyd Lancaster
Age: 18
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: Student, going for a businessman
Family: The Lancaster House
Appearance: He has the same hair as his sister but instead of being very short he is quite tall, he has chocolate-brown eyes
Backstory: His father and him were always very close because his father didn't like Jared. So, his father put him through school and has funded him. He loves his sister dearly but their personalities and morals butt heads a lot. He also loves Jared but their relationship is complex.
Name: Jared Lancaster
Age: 21
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: None but he loves cooking
Family: The Lancaster House
Appearance: Dark-chocolate eyes, large frame, crooked nose, and dark hair
Backstory: Everyone hates him except his sister so he has clung to her. He will do anything for her.
Age: 18
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: Tutor
Family: The Lancaster House: Her father is a very rich general and her mother one of the few female doctors. Her elder brother, Jared, is deaf so she cares for him. Her twin brother, Lloyd, is a student.
Appearance: She is very angular and incredibly thin, she is quite short though which frustrates her often (basically she is the epitome of petite), she has platinum blonde hair See More that sometimes looks silver, but her most striking feature is her eyes: they are icy green almost like a frost, mint green
Backstory: She was born into a rich family but found herself always friends with those less fortunate than her. She took up tutoring and teaches for 3 families. When she is not doing that though, she sneaks out and educates all the homeless. Her father and her are often at odds but her mother is very proud of her. She really loves helping people and will go to all ends to do so.
Name: Lloyd Lancaster
Age: 18
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: Student, going for a businessman
Family: The Lancaster House
Appearance: He has the same hair as his sister but instead of being very short he is quite tall, he has chocolate-brown eyes
Backstory: His father and him were always very close because his father didn't like Jared. So, his father put him through school and has funded him. He loves his sister dearly but their personalities and morals butt heads a lot. He also loves Jared but their relationship is complex.
Name: Jared Lancaster
Age: 21
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd): 1st
Profession: None but he loves cooking
Family: The Lancaster House
Appearance: Dark-chocolate eyes, large frame, crooked nose, and dark hair
Backstory: Everyone hates him except his sister so he has clung to her. He will do anything for her.

Ohh I see what you mean about the detailed description ;) btw they're probably 2nd estate since they're not of the church
on October 18, 2014
on October 17, 2014

Name: Fille Antione
Age: 18
Estate: 3rd class
Profession: Shopkeeper (Baker)
Family: Has a mother, a father, an uncle, and four siblings
Appearance: Blonde hair, brown eyes
Backstory: She started working with a friend as a Baker and now gives bread to Revolutionaries illegally. See More
Name: Cole Noir
Age: 19
Estate: 2nd
Profession: Craftsman
Family: Lives with foster parents
Appearance: Dark brown hair, dark green eyes
Backstory: His parents died when he was 9
Age: 18
Estate: 3rd class
Profession: Shopkeeper (Baker)
Family: Has a mother, a father, an uncle, and four siblings
Appearance: Blonde hair, brown eyes
Backstory: She started working with a friend as a Baker and now gives bread to Revolutionaries illegally. See More
Name: Cole Noir
Age: 19
Estate: 2nd
Profession: Craftsman
Family: Lives with foster parents
Appearance: Dark brown hair, dark green eyes
Backstory: His parents died when he was 9

on October 17, 2014
on October 16, 2014

An: *Walks along the sidewalk counting snails* 1....2.....oh wait that's a rock....2....3......... (anyone's free 2 join)

Fille: *pulls out a loaf of warm bread* Shh... this is for you and your family. *smiles while putting one finger to her lips, symboling silence*
on October 22, 2014

on October 21, 2014

Fille: *smiles and kneels down so they're eye level* Are you counting snails again? *laughs softly*
on October 20, 2014
on October 16, 2014

Name: Anoullette Diamant (Goes by An)
Age: 8
Estate: 2
Proffesion: none
Family: Mother, Father, Older Sister Marie, and young sister Clary
Appearence: Dark brown long hair that is always curled and done, tall, sharp green eyes, and freckles.
Backstory: Her father and mother are fighting for the king, but An disagrees.
Age: 8
Estate: 2
Proffesion: none
Family: Mother, Father, Older Sister Marie, and young sister Clary
Appearence: Dark brown long hair that is always curled and done, tall, sharp green eyes, and freckles.
Backstory: Her father and mother are fighting for the king, but An disagrees.

If she's in the second estate, her father would probably be a noble who has lots of land he inherited from his father.
on October 16, 2014

Companies don't exist yet. The government doesn't exist yet. They're still trying to form the idea of a constitution where the king has limited power and can't do whatever he wants.
on October 16, 2014
on October 16, 2014

Name:Raoul Baujette
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd):3rd
Family:Wife, 2 year old son named Jaque
Appearance:Dark brown hair, warm intelligent gaze, clever hands that have seen work
Backstory:Trained as a doctor, newly out of training. Familiar with enlightenment ideas of reason and logic, that the old traditional systems were unfair and could be changed. That people should be treated fairly.
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd):3rd
Family:Wife, 2 year old son named Jaque
Appearance:Dark brown hair, warm intelligent gaze, clever hands that have seen work
Backstory:Trained as a doctor, newly out of training. Familiar with enlightenment ideas of reason and logic, that the old traditional systems were unfair and could be changed. That people should be treated fairly.

Name:Eloise Baujette
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd):3rd
Profession:Housewife, still helps out occasionally at the bakery
Family:Wife to Raoul, sister in law to Raphael and mother to Jaque See More
Appearance:Light honey coloured hair, capable wiry arms and strong fit frame. Stubborn line to her jaw and fire in her gaze.
Backstory:Grew up daughter of a baker, married Raoul only a few years ago after giving him his daily bread for ten years. Very intelligent, thinks women should be treated well and be allowed to speak their mind.
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd):3rd
Profession:Housewife, still helps out occasionally at the bakery
Family:Wife to Raoul, sister in law to Raphael and mother to Jaque See More
Appearance:Light honey coloured hair, capable wiry arms and strong fit frame. Stubborn line to her jaw and fire in her gaze.
Backstory:Grew up daughter of a baker, married Raoul only a few years ago after giving him his daily bread for ten years. Very intelligent, thinks women should be treated well and be allowed to speak their mind.
on October 17, 2014

Name:Raphael Baujette
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd):3rd
Profession:Works for a print business, mainly turning out religious texts but also in secret pamphlets containing ideas of revolution to distribute among the people
Family:Raoul's brother, uncle to Jaque and brother in law to Eloise See More
Appearance:Lighter brown hair, usually with the appearance of being run through with his hands, ink stained fingers and shirtsleeves
Backstory:His family spent their money on Raoul's education, leaving him with little left as an unexpected child 9 years later. Does not resent his brother, though sometimes wonders what would his life be like if he was first born.
Estate(class:1st, 2nd, 3rd):3rd
Profession:Works for a print business, mainly turning out religious texts but also in secret pamphlets containing ideas of revolution to distribute among the people
Family:Raoul's brother, uncle to Jaque and brother in law to Eloise See More
Appearance:Lighter brown hair, usually with the appearance of being run through with his hands, ink stained fingers and shirtsleeves
Backstory:His family spent their money on Raoul's education, leaving him with little left as an unexpected child 9 years later. Does not resent his brother, though sometimes wonders what would his life be like if he was first born.
on October 17, 2014
on October 15, 2014