And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask @Ravenclaw3243!
on November 04, 2014

http://www.qfeast.com/page/0MzGmm/And-the-Award-Goes-To This week's topic is....

And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask @Ravenclaw3243!
on October 28, 2014

So many October birthdays! Happy birthday October peeps! :D
on October 22, 2014

created a

The Sorting Hat's decision, Which Hogwart's house are you?
on October 21, 2014

Dear Bellatrix,
What's up with you killing Sirius Black
and Neville's family? YOU SCARRED NEVILLE FOR LIFE! All the young wizads were prepared to fight you and bunny-faced guy (Voldemort, yeah I said bunny-faced!) And you just kill him! That's just DOWNRIGHT RUDE, LADY! I guess you didn't know that was Harry Potter's last family member (I know he still has a fat aunt and uncle with their chubby son, but they are not nice at all!) You are so sensitive! I can't believe you killed See More your own cousin because he teased you! If you were still alive (thank you Mrs. Weasly for killing her) I would slap you on the face!
~Your biggest hater, @magic101
P.S. Tell Voldemort all he needs is a puffy tail and a shrink ray and he'll look like a bunny! Well more like a deformed bunny, but just telll him (even ths guy looks better than him, >:-)
Dear my biggest hater,
Geez couldn't have you picked a better name? Ugh, muggles. (I am writing to you from the dead side, well actually I don't even know why I am reponding your offensive letter.) I was tired of Sirius's teasing! Do not judge my sensitivity! I had the curse to kill Sirius so being a deatheater why would I not kill him? I AM EVIL! MUAHAHAHA! BLAH! Whoops I kind of choked. By the way you hurt Voldemort's feelings! It's not his fault every plastic surgeon is afraid of him. Well actually it kind of is. Anyways, I want to slap YOU on the face!
Have a nice life (NOT)
~YOUR biggest hater, Bellatrix
What's up with you killing Sirius Black
and Neville's family? YOU SCARRED NEVILLE FOR LIFE! All the young wizads were prepared to fight you and bunny-faced guy (Voldemort, yeah I said bunny-faced!) And you just kill him! That's just DOWNRIGHT RUDE, LADY! I guess you didn't know that was Harry Potter's last family member (I know he still has a fat aunt and uncle with their chubby son, but they are not nice at all!) You are so sensitive! I can't believe you killed See More your own cousin because he teased you! If you were still alive (thank you Mrs. Weasly for killing her) I would slap you on the face!
~Your biggest hater, @magic101
P.S. Tell Voldemort all he needs is a puffy tail and a shrink ray and he'll look like a bunny! Well more like a deformed bunny, but just telll him (even ths guy looks better than him, >:-)
Dear my biggest hater,
Geez couldn't have you picked a better name? Ugh, muggles. (I am writing to you from the dead side, well actually I don't even know why I am reponding your offensive letter.) I was tired of Sirius's teasing! Do not judge my sensitivity! I had the curse to kill Sirius so being a deatheater why would I not kill him? I AM EVIL! MUAHAHAHA! BLAH! Whoops I kind of choked. By the way you hurt Voldemort's feelings! It's not his fault every plastic surgeon is afraid of him. Well actually it kind of is. Anyways, I want to slap YOU on the face!
Have a nice life (NOT)
~YOUR biggest hater, Bellatrix
on October 20, 2014

magic101 created a poll

If You were a singer trying out on The Voice and all judges turned for you ,which judge...
on October 09, 2014

Toyotas color changing car according to your mood. REAL!

on September 21, 2014