magic101 - Page 5

My fandoms are: Chronicles of Narnia, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, Sherlock Holmes and My Neighbor Totoro
Let's see. I love history, so I watch the history channel. I like to See More▼
And the Award Goes To...
And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask @Ravenclaw3243!
on November 04, 2014
added a personality quiz to the favorite list
What Color Am I?
Take this quiz, and you will truly see, what color lies within your soul. The color to describe you whole.
747 responses 210
on November 03, 2014
created a scored quiz
Out of this world Intellegence (The Space Test)
Do you know all about space? Facts about planets and where they are located. What about stars and constellations. Test yourself to see if you have an 'out of his world' intellegence.
19 responses 13
on October 29, 2014
And the Award Goes To...
And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask @Ravenclaw3243!
on October 28, 2014
So many October birthdays! Happy birthday October peeps! :D
on October 22, 2014
created a personality quiz
The Sorting Hat's decision, Which Hogwart's house are you?
If you think you're a true Ravenclaw, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, or Slytherin, take this quiz to see who really are! Pick wisely and truly! You might be surprised! HAVE FUN! HOPE YOU LIKED IT!
77 responses 34
on October 21, 2014
Dear Bellatrix,

What's up with you killing Sirius Black
and Neville's family? YOU SCARRED NEVILLE FOR LIFE! All the young wizads were prepared to fight you and bunny-faced guy (Voldemort, yeah I said bunny-faced!) And you just kill him! That's just DOWNRIGHT RUDE, LADY! I guess you didn't know that was Harry Potter's last family member (I know he still has a fat aunt and uncle with their chubby son, but they are not nice at all!) You are so sensitive! I can't believe you killed See More▼
on October 23, 2014
on October 20, 2014
created a poll
If You were a singer trying out on The Voice and all judges turned for you ,which judge would you pick?
Adam Levine
Gwen Stefani
Pharrell Wil...
Blake Shelton
30 votes 11
on October 09, 2014
added a story to the favorite list
19 Hidden Facts You Never Knew About Disney Films. Some Of These Are Downright Dirty.
141 reads 34 readers 2
on October 09, 2014
added a story to the favorite list
minion language!
Keep Calm And LOVE MINIONS ! - Minion Lover - Keep Calm AND Adopt One MINION ! - Minion Lover -
101 reads 39 readers 9
on October 09, 2014
created a poll
What is your favorite Nickelodeon show?
Legend of Ko...
Spongebob Sq...
Sam and Cat ...
The Thunderm...
+ 3 more
32 votes 16
on October 08, 2014
has become a member of the page
And the Award Goes To...
Come join if you are in a for a challenge. This is one of those many competition pages. It will be anything and everything. The winners will be announced each week, and a new topic will too. If you have any questions, just ask ...
16 subscribers 11 members fully opened
on October 02, 2014
has become a member of the page
Life, Love, Art
Art is a form of how humans express their emotions. Join the club! Anything to do with art! Music, writing, visual art, photography, anything! Please just make sure all work is your own.
4 subscribers 6 members
on September 30, 2014
uploaded a photo at And the Award Goes To...
Toyotas color changing car according to your mood. REAL!
And the Award Goes To...'s Photo 3
on September 21, 2014