What Color Am I? Take this quiz, and you will truly see, what color lies within your soul. The color to describe you whole. NumNum98 published on January 29, 2012 Stacked 1/11 Favorite sport... All sports. Baseball. Gulf. Badminton. Tennis. Basketball. Volleyball. Other. Don't really like sports. All of the above. 2/11 Test coming up... I don't care, I wanna practice for basketball, there's a competition coming up. I'll just study for an hour or two. I'll just review the notes, and I think I'm good. I don't need to study, I payed attention in class. I don't wanna study, I'll just take it and test my luck. I think all study the whole day. I don't understand a few things, I'll ask my teacher to help me, then I'll study, but not for too long. It doesn't matter to me, I have more things to worry about. Other. 3/11 Do you believe in forgive and forget? (Your answer affects your result!) No. Yes. Sometimes. Sometimes... At times...yesOther times...no Yeah...I guess. Totally! Always. I only forgive those who deserve to be forgiven...and I forget those who deserve to be forgotten. Yes...No! actually...I don't know...*sigh* 4/11 Favorite kind of food... Spicy. I don't really mind. Sour. Strong taste. Viniger-y I'll eat anything, whether I like it or not. Sweet. Bitter. All of the above. Other. 5/11 Favorite book/movie genre... Comedy. Fantasy. Adventure. Action. Fiction. Myths. Romantic. Mystery. Other. All of the above. 6/11 If I were invisible... I'd prank the whole world! Help people in need. Go somewhere peaceful and enjoy the day there. Go places I'm not allowed to go to. Make people thing that I'm an invisible force...well actually...that's what I am... I don't know... Go to that cute guy/girl and stare at him/her all day. Other. I'll find out what I do with them after I get them. All of the above. 7/11 Ideal type... Handsome/Beautiful. Understanding. Enjoys nature. Smart. Lively. Is a lot like me. Romantic. Is totally different from me. I like trying new things, and I think I have enough patience to get to know him/her. I don't need one. All of the above. 8/11 Favorite color... Red. Blue. Green. Purple. Yellow. Orange. Pink. Black. White. All of the above. 9/11 My ideal vacation... Go to ball games... Go back home where all my other relatives are. Travel the world. I don't know. Go on a family vacation. Go on a road trip with friends. Go on a trip with my mate. Other. I don't have time for vacation. All of the above. 10/11 I want to... Go to the big game this Saturday. Roam in the city. Take a stroll in the woods. Go to my favorite band's concert. Go out with family. Go out with friends. Go out with my mate. Other. Be alone. All of the above. 11/11 My favorite weather is... Sunny, a great day to play outside. Light showers, you enjoy watching the rain. Beautiful whether, a warm breeze constantly blowing outside. Cloudy and strong winds blowing. A little chilly, but not too much. Really hot out. It doesn't matter what whether, life is too short to not enjoy the moments it gives... Thunderstorm... Snowy... Other...