Sherlock fanpage
I can't believe there are zero Sherlock pages on here. So I'm making one :D
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on September 09, 2015

MORIARTY IS STAYIN' ALIVE AND WATCHING GLEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glee - Stayin' Alive - Acapella Version
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Arrrrrggggghhhh! I accidentally hit delete for one of my comments instead of edit :(( @Nightcat
on February 02, 2015
on February 01, 2015

The blog of Dr. John. H. Watson
The blog of Dr. John H. Watson Follow John Watson's adventures with Sherlock Holmes after his return from Afghanistan, his first meeting with Sherlock via Mike Stamford and moving into Mrs Hudson's 221b Baker Street address in this fictional blog to coincide with the BBC One drama Sherlock. 11th August The Sign of Three Wow!!!!!!!!! What a day!!!!!! That was the best wedding ever!!!!!! Sherlock was amazing! Love is amazing! Fluffy clouds and little birds are amazing!!! Read More 43 comments 21st July The Mayfly Man We'd just returned from a quiet, civilised evening in the pub when our latest client arrived at Baker Street. She was a nurse. And, apparently, she'd been out for dinner. With a ghost. Read More 6 comments 2nd July The Hollow Client Jack Griffin c
on January 28, 2015

Is anybody even here?

I know! Check out this vid though: @RedRaptor
on January 25, 2015

on January 25, 2015
on January 25, 2015

I was just watching the episode where Sherlock was drunk and OMG I was fangirling so hard. I love how his thought process was just like:
*Looking at chair* chair sleeeeeep sleeeeeep fabric sleeeeep And then John's like: "He's cluing for looks" and I just died.
*Looking at chair* chair sleeeeeep sleeeeeep fabric sleeeeep And then John's like: "He's cluing for looks" and I just died.
on January 03, 2015

I heard Stayin' Alive at some place (I can't remember) and I freaked out.
Does anyone else think there should be a whole section of every person on Earth's life devoted to Moriaty?
Does anyone else think there should be a whole section of every person on Earth's life devoted to Moriaty?
on January 02, 2015

Google Image Result for
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on January 01, 2015

My mom was confused about Sherlock at first. Now she's begging me to wach S1E3 with her. :P
on December 30, 2014

Me dad came in while I was watching Sherlock. He was so confused.
on December 30, 2014

on December 29, 2014

There is a Sherlock game at Barnes and Nobles where you solve mysteries. I want it sooo bad!
on December 29, 2014

My dad just asked whether Mrs Hudson was the housekeeper. Me:"NOT YOUR HOUSEKEEPER."
Dad:0.0 ok....
Dad:0.0 ok....

on November 09, 2014

Non-Sherlockians. Dear God, what is it like in your funny little brains? It must be so boring!
on November 09, 2014

XD ikr And then I realised normal people don't know what's so funny about it cos I had to explain to him
on November 09, 2014
on November 08, 2014

There's a Benedict cumberbatch movie coming out called the Imitation game. It's about the British trying to decode the enemy messages. BC builds the first computer to do it.
on August 31, 2014