kopperslushi asked a question

What does this mean? (see picture)- guitar Are these the frets you're supposed to hold?...
on May 03, 2015

kopperslushi asked a question
How to strum a guitar if you're holding frets? When you hold down some strings with you...
on May 03, 2015

Here are some of my favorite teenager posts. Like if you agree with them ^_^
on April 13, 2015

kopperslushi asked a question

What to wear with this black dress? Since it's still cold, I want to wear maybe a shirt...
on March 25, 2015

kopperslushi asked a question

Do you like zodiac signs? Get some advice from me right now! Don't worrying, I'm not ma...
on March 20, 2015

created a

What color is your aura? (and personality)
on March 20, 2015

HOLY CR** YES! omg good times XD
-little bill
-upside down show
- OOBIE- that hand with eyes
-little bill
-upside down show
- OOBIE- that hand with eyes
on March 20, 2015

kopperslushi asked a question

What's this hairstyle? This is my dream hairstyle and I found a pic of someone who has ...
on February 07, 2015

NOOOOO!!! You're not a true fan of Girl Meets World obviously. Maya's last name is spelled HART not HEART. (Unless you did that on purpose)

btw i did do it on purpose i just like the name maya and i love the word heart and i like 32 so why not
on February 20, 2015

on February 07, 2015
on February 07, 2015

kopperslushi asked a question

Which Zodiac Sign were you born under? How much do you act like it? (I'm a Virgo).
on January 04, 2015

kopperslushi asked a question
I prank texted someone in my school, he doesn't know it was me,but he posted my number ...
on December 23, 2014

kopperslushi asked a question

How do you make your side part lift up/flip? Look at the picture. Notice how the girl b...
on November 20, 2014

kopperslushi asked a question
How long does it take for hair to grow to above the belly button from an inch below sho...
on October 25, 2014

kopperslushi created a poll
Does anybody here go to Linden Avenue middle school?
on October 25, 2014

Sorry guys, my pound puppies quiz stinks. I made it when I was 10. Next quiz I'm making is gonna be an accurate quiz (not based off fav colors and stupid stuff), it'll be calculated by psychology, personality traits, and MBTI.
on August 31, 2014