on August 01, 2014

kopperslushi created a poll

Best halloween costume: hippies (be sure to go on my wall and vote more!)
on August 01, 2014

on August 01, 2014

HEY GUYS!!!! I'm back from camp, so that's why I haven't been on in a while!
on August 01, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What My Little Pony Are You (the other quiz)?
on May 02, 2014

kopperslushi created a poll

Who would you rather date out of mane six? ( if you were a boy; unless you already are!)
on May 02, 2014

If aliens were real, what would they most likely look like?
on April 22, 2014

kopperslushi asked a question
What do guys look for in girls (only guys answer plz!) So far, no one likes me and I th...
on April 22, 2014

kopperslushi asked a question
If you're going out with someone, does that make them your girlfriend/boyfriend?
on April 22, 2014