kopperslushi's Polls
kopperslushi published 40 polls

Which character type would you be on High School Story?
What part of your appearance are you most insecure about?

Username- Yaa or Nah? Is coopersushi more like a girl or a guy name?

Best Hairstyle- Guys Only (HAIR not FACE)
How old do you think i am? Just curious XD
Is it weird to post pics of yourself on this?
Does anybody here go to Linden Avenue middle school?

Best Halloween costume: cowgirls and Indians

Best halloween costume: tv, movie

Which Pony would you rather have as a pet?

Best halloween costume: animal (1)
Will you go on my wall and vote for "best halloween costume"?

Best halloween costume: hippies (be sure to go on my wall and vote more!)

Favorite disney channel show?

How's your love life?

Your favorite roller coaster at six flags great adventure

Best applejack pairing

Best rarity pairing

Best rainbow dash pairing