My Little Pony Which charcter are you.Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Flutter Shy, Apple Jack, or Rarity. emma29234 published on April 24, 2013 Stacked 1/5 what cutie mark would you rather have? Rainbow lightning bolt 3 Apples 3 Ballons 3 Pink Butterflys 10 Sparkles 3 Dimmonds 2/5 Do throw parties Yes NO Sure Sometimes Kinda It depends 3/5 What pet would you rather have. Owl Turtle Dog Dragon Cat Bunny Alligator 4/5 What talent would you want the most? To fly To be perfect on a apple farm To be a comeddean To be great with animals To be great at magic To be a great dress maker 5/5 Are you the leader of your friends? No Kinda Yes Wouldn't say I am