various small tweaks, facts and traits of The HS entities that i think r cool and important !!!
-his ears are pierced and he did it himself
-he wears eyeliner but swears it’s natural bc “only f slurs wear makeup” (this is pre Accidentally Sleeping With Rex era)
-has a hooked nose
-he’s got several moles bc moles are cool
-enjoys fishing but is bad at it See More
-has a small dent/scar on his forehead from crushing a beer can w his head while drunk (he says it was worth it)
-can smoke 3 cigarettes at once
-swears he doesn’t have adhd(meanwhile he can’t focus on anything and complains that instead of getting him jacked up adderall just makes him feel productive)
-acne prone and also has mad dry skin on account of being allergic to everything
-autistic and largely non-speaking sometimes
-loves radiohead and car seat headrest
-beige food enthusiast especially french fries. always brings up that french fries are actually from belgium
-plays bass really well. d-ray wanted him in his band when he found out but rex refused because he’s scared he’ll get nervous
-his family has an orange cat
-slightly uneven haircut (his mom cuts it!!)
-nail biter
-teeth r a little yellow and kinda crooked. (d-ray used to bully him for being british but stopped when he realized that being called british hurts rex’s feelings)
-big fan of tea but not coffee
-regularly shares cigarettes w d-ray
-family is wealthy because his grandpa owns a coffee shop and his grandma grows flowers (where his grandparents live a coffee shop is another name for a dispensary. his grandpa sells weed and his grandma grows it)
-very coarse hair. puts it in braids sometimes but not often.
-tan bc he’s outside a lot
-paints his nails occasionally
-his teeth are nice. almost weirdly nice. like they’re slightly too white he’s really good at brushing his teeth
-has a cool necklace that his grandpa gave him
-never learned how to ride a bike
-when he was a kid he had an ant farm
-serial tree climber
-has been wearing the same huge pair of boots since freshman year because he’s always had huge feet
-has one of those tree car air fresheners in his car
-short (d-ray calls him half pint)
-when he was little he played soccer
-was raised catholic
-lost his father to substance abuse and his older sister shortly afterwards
-total mamas boy (his mother is sweet but overprotective, rightfully so)
-loves carrots
-probably hasn’t washed that purple hoodie in years
-there’s definitely one of those china cabinets in his house
-his mom owns a crusty white dog that is older than he is and she treats it like a second child
-always a little sleepy
-horrible vision. thick ass glasses lenses make his eyes look wide set.
-nose is kinda flat, face is kinda round.
-has one of those aquarium lamps
-his ears are pierced and he did it himself
-he wears eyeliner but swears it’s natural bc “only f slurs wear makeup” (this is pre Accidentally Sleeping With Rex era)
-has a hooked nose
-he’s got several moles bc moles are cool
-enjoys fishing but is bad at it See More
-has a small dent/scar on his forehead from crushing a beer can w his head while drunk (he says it was worth it)
-can smoke 3 cigarettes at once
-swears he doesn’t have adhd(meanwhile he can’t focus on anything and complains that instead of getting him jacked up adderall just makes him feel productive)
-acne prone and also has mad dry skin on account of being allergic to everything
-autistic and largely non-speaking sometimes
-loves radiohead and car seat headrest
-beige food enthusiast especially french fries. always brings up that french fries are actually from belgium
-plays bass really well. d-ray wanted him in his band when he found out but rex refused because he’s scared he’ll get nervous
-his family has an orange cat
-slightly uneven haircut (his mom cuts it!!)
-nail biter
-teeth r a little yellow and kinda crooked. (d-ray used to bully him for being british but stopped when he realized that being called british hurts rex’s feelings)
-big fan of tea but not coffee
-regularly shares cigarettes w d-ray
-family is wealthy because his grandpa owns a coffee shop and his grandma grows flowers (where his grandparents live a coffee shop is another name for a dispensary. his grandpa sells weed and his grandma grows it)
-very coarse hair. puts it in braids sometimes but not often.
-tan bc he’s outside a lot
-paints his nails occasionally
-his teeth are nice. almost weirdly nice. like they’re slightly too white he’s really good at brushing his teeth
-has a cool necklace that his grandpa gave him
-never learned how to ride a bike
-when he was a kid he had an ant farm
-serial tree climber
-has been wearing the same huge pair of boots since freshman year because he’s always had huge feet
-has one of those tree car air fresheners in his car
-short (d-ray calls him half pint)
-when he was little he played soccer
-was raised catholic
-lost his father to substance abuse and his older sister shortly afterwards
-total mamas boy (his mother is sweet but overprotective, rightfully so)
-loves carrots
-probably hasn’t washed that purple hoodie in years
-there’s definitely one of those china cabinets in his house
-his mom owns a crusty white dog that is older than he is and she treats it like a second child
-always a little sleepy
-horrible vision. thick ass glasses lenses make his eyes look wide set.
-nose is kinda flat, face is kinda round.
-has one of those aquarium lamps

‘ shi i killed 15 people ‘
on May 05, 2023

@McFaggot he might be idk
on May 05, 2023

i almost thought u said mitch was a serial killer
on May 05, 2023
on May 05, 2023

you say Zodiac, we say Homestuck
you worship your gods, we worship LORD HUSSIE!
you say we die for good, we say we go godtier
you say Homestuck is boring, we say its the best thing to read besides manga
you say card symbols, we say quadrants
you say best friend, we say morial
you say lover, we say matesprit See More
you say were weird , we say your normal
you facepaint at parties, we paint for cosplay
you say bucket, we get discusted
you say its windy, we say its John doing the windy thing
you say parents, we say lusus
you say movies, we say romcons and nic cage
You say cool, we say strider
you say crab, we say crabdad
you say rainbow , we say hemospectrum
you say aliens, we say trolls
you say cat, we say pawbeast
you drink soda, we drink faygo
you say the universe was made by a big bang, we say Karkat made the universe
you say red and blue, we say psionics
you say fashion, we say kanaya
you have ships, we have shipping walls
you say Jesus, we say Jegus
you say books are long, we say Homestuck is HUGE
you say God, we say Gog
you say 69, we say cancer symbol
you say freaked out, we say triggered
you say adorable, we say adorabloodthirsty
you say we're freaks, we say we're HOMESTUC
you worship your gods, we worship LORD HUSSIE!
you say we die for good, we say we go godtier
you say Homestuck is boring, we say its the best thing to read besides manga
you say card symbols, we say quadrants
you say best friend, we say morial
you say lover, we say matesprit See More
you say were weird , we say your normal
you facepaint at parties, we paint for cosplay
you say bucket, we get discusted
you say its windy, we say its John doing the windy thing
you say parents, we say lusus
you say movies, we say romcons and nic cage
You say cool, we say strider
you say crab, we say crabdad
you say rainbow , we say hemospectrum
you say aliens, we say trolls
you say cat, we say pawbeast
you drink soda, we drink faygo
you say the universe was made by a big bang, we say Karkat made the universe
you say red and blue, we say psionics
you say fashion, we say kanaya
you have ships, we have shipping walls
you say Jesus, we say Jegus
you say books are long, we say Homestuck is HUGE
you say God, we say Gog
you say 69, we say cancer symbol
you say freaked out, we say triggered
you say adorable, we say adorabloodthirsty
you say we're freaks, we say we're HOMESTUC
on May 05, 2023

invented this game its called weed chess

on May 04, 2023
on May 04, 2023

im the worst kind of music student bc i have to make every assignment so much more complicated than it needs to be. simple drum groove? what’s that? hell yeah subdivisions!! triplets!! polyrhythms!!! i’m supposed to use diatonic chords and not modulate? boring!!! i will change the key 3 times to be silly. also i have lyrics and the melody alternates between the lead sheet and bass and treble in the piano part fuckk you xd

i also have perfect pitch and i am an ass about it (technically i just associate every note with songs in my mind and that’s cheating but hey it counts probably)
on May 01, 2023
on May 01, 2023

the brew moment today: possibly going to urgent care bc i woke up in excruciating pain multiple times overnight #ate

did not go to urgent care bc it got kinda better im currently skipping class tho (unrelated reasons, im waiting to get my concert clothes from the dry cleaners and i have a concert immediately after that class)
on May 01, 2023
on May 01, 2023

on May 01, 2023

rating beach finds today??
-beach glass: 10/10 what i went for
-plain glass: 8/10 let it cook
dead chicken: what/10 i know damn well that chicken didn’t just walk onto the beach and die
-crab claw 10/10 it was blue
-two girls making out: 10/10 be who u areee
-beach glass: 10/10 what i went for
-plain glass: 8/10 let it cook
dead chicken: what/10 i know damn well that chicken didn’t just walk onto the beach and die
-crab claw 10/10 it was blue
-two girls making out: 10/10 be who u areee
on April 29, 2023

musicians i’d like to meet and how likely i think i am to meet them
-geordie greep: tbh i prob won’t meet him ever since his band is pretty well known and play at larger venues. however ive heard of people running into him in public so there’s a chance
-morgan simpson: exact same situation as geordie
-cameron picton: tbh same as above however if i see him in public without any of the others i’ll prob not recognize him
-seth evans: okok i think i’ve actually got a chance at See More meeting shank but only if HMLTD tours and he goes along. about the same chance as the above three if he’s touring w BM but hmltd is about tas popular as mustard service and crywank so there is a chance.
-thom yorke: unfortunately probably will not. smile tickets mad expensive + they’re popular soooo
-elton john: impossible. he doesn’t do meet and greets and also he’s on his farewell tour so when i saw him was my last time seeing him unfortunately. unless i get cancer or smth and qualify for make a wish. maybe then i’d get lucky but still prob not
-geordie greep: tbh i prob won’t meet him ever since his band is pretty well known and play at larger venues. however ive heard of people running into him in public so there’s a chance
-morgan simpson: exact same situation as geordie
-cameron picton: tbh same as above however if i see him in public without any of the others i’ll prob not recognize him
-seth evans: okok i think i’ve actually got a chance at See More meeting shank but only if HMLTD tours and he goes along. about the same chance as the above three if he’s touring w BM but hmltd is about tas popular as mustard service and crywank so there is a chance.
-thom yorke: unfortunately probably will not. smile tickets mad expensive + they’re popular soooo
-elton john: impossible. he doesn’t do meet and greets and also he’s on his farewell tour so when i saw him was my last time seeing him unfortunately. unless i get cancer or smth and qualify for make a wish. maybe then i’d get lucky but still prob not

on April 27, 2023
on April 27, 2023

identikit uploaded a photo
might delete but here’s me w marco (mustard service singer) from saturday>:)

on April 26, 2023

the amount of lore this website has is so funny to me.

on April 26, 2023
on April 26, 2023

what the ACTUAL fucck is going on with qfeast. i posted that american girl picture like last summer. why did it just reupload.
on April 26, 2023

people who take the elevator for less than 3 floors r the weakest links unless they physically struggle to or are carrying something heavy

i collapsed after going on 2 levels of stairs bc i didnt eat a lot now i have a fear of that
on April 26, 2023
on April 25, 2023