i am so sick and tired of new york getting all the credit for having the most rats. chicago has been the rattiest city in america for seven years straight.

on April 23, 2023
on April 23, 2023

semi famous (touring) bands i have met list as of spring 2023
-mustard service
-mustard service

also i haven’t met them (yet…) but iman (david bowie’s wife), geordie greep, and one of the members of hmltd know i exist funni fact
on April 23, 2023
on April 23, 2023

being a dude would b so rad tbh. i’m comfortable being a chick but like i imagine i’d be a cool man idk. i don’t think i’m trans but sometimes i j feel like i’d like to have been born a guy idfk
on April 22, 2023

heehehe nothin like a bowl of reheated pasta after your friday morning 10 am

on April 21, 2023
on April 21, 2023

apparently they’re planning riots again this weekend wtfff can they like not.. i’m going to a concert tomorrow and istg if they shut down the cta again..
on April 21, 2023

if i married someone i met on qfeast dot com i’d have to have some sort of story made up ab how wet met bc there’s no way i’d b telling ppl i met my spouse on qfeast dot com

that is to say if i every marry period, i fear commitment and i have major trust issues with everyone
on April 21, 2023
on April 21, 2023

thinkin ab the literal married couple that met on qfeast dot com. happy for them n all but like QFEAST
on April 21, 2023

happy holidays everyone i know i’m skipping class today!!!

how convenient it is that i have one class today and it’s just a god awful english class that i won’t feel bad about skipping
on April 20, 2023
on April 20, 2023

i love how we as people just have things we associate with other people because of things that happened and now even out of context it reminds us of it. every time i drink peppermint tea it reminds me of a long lost lover of mine because when we were in high school together and he got sick i’d bring him peppermint tea and it was our thing. when i see a green tree frog it reminds me of a friend from early childhood and how she had frogs in her swimming pool and all around her yard See More and at night they’d chirp. there’s this album i listened to a lot last fall, it reminds me of how the blue line smells and walking to class every day in october, through the park and past all the brick buildings. i kissed someone to that album once and there’s a corner of the street that i used to live on where i’d always kiss him goodbye and now when i walk past it that’s what i think about. i kiss a lot of people and no one tastes the same.
on April 20, 2023

ok protools isn’t horrid once you can actually get it to work it’s going ok now had to restart everything bc it just refused to let me set it to my i/o
on April 18, 2023

why couldn’t my adhd hyperfocus on something useful like math or reading what the fuckk is a black midi
on April 18, 2023

on April 18, 2023

i love kimya dawson so much. they are genuinely one of the best people ever.
on April 16, 2023

tbh i live in chiraq this happens like every day but this one’s like fairly close to where i live (less than a mile)
on April 16, 2023

not the active shooter on campus #slay

@dogboy its like at a riot a little ways up the street i don’t think anyone from my school is there??? i’m listening to the police scanner thing rn
on April 16, 2023
on April 16, 2023

btw it wasn’t an accident. i knew what i was doing LMFAO. anyways here’s reg/rog traits that stayed throughout the evolution
-blonde hair covering eyes
-lack of facial expressions
-european (rex was actually supposed to be british because i wanted the boys to make fun of his accent but 1. a huge part of rex’s character is that he is largely nonspeaking and 2. “my grandpa works in a coffee shop”)
-get made fun of a lot See More
-on the wealthier side of society
-blonde hair covering eyes
-lack of facial expressions
-european (rex was actually supposed to be british because i wanted the boys to make fun of his accent but 1. a huge part of rex’s character is that he is largely nonspeaking and 2. “my grandpa works in a coffee shop”)
-get made fun of a lot See More
-on the wealthier side of society
on April 16, 2023