tbh neurodivergent flirting is the cringest shit looking back my senior year me and that one dude we’re all over each other all the time and like we were always j exchanging trinkets and complimenting eachother’s clothes and sometimes he’d lean up against me and i spent a full year wondering if he was into me or if i was just having delusions bc of my bpd

update bc im reading qfeast like the morning paper rn buttttt im STILL STUPID i entirely accidentally went on a date w a guy a few months ago. he bought me a drink and told me my eyes were pretty n then a few days later we hung out n i did not process it was a date til we were cuddling in his bed.
on November 28, 2024

the best one was by far his ex girlfriend telling me straight up that he had a crush on me and then me still questioning it
on May 07, 2023
on May 07, 2023

cam tweets criminally underrated tbh he’s so funny

my fav cam tweet probably is the one where he’s asking for someone to help shank get the tag off an item he stole that one goes hard
on May 07, 2023

its like 75% about food and the other 25% is gay jokes and complaining about having a stomachache ( from eating food)
on May 07, 2023
on May 07, 2023

after months of pondering i have decided i can use the word cum in a song. hozier did it i can too!!!

on May 07, 2023
on May 07, 2023

i love hozier bc he’s just this GORGEOUS musical genius with a voice like smooth espresso and his whole vibe is just pure beautiful forest creature and then you actually listen to the lyrics of his songs and realize a LARGE portion of his songs are straight up having sex doing heroin, and dying
on May 07, 2023

hot take but unless they started dating in high school college students dating high seniors is Weird. coming from a college student the maturity levels r so different.
on May 06, 2023

also hopefully seeing black country new road this fall (pleazzz i really want to see them live)
on May 06, 2023

on the contrary mustard service fans are the best ever. idk if it’s bc they’re a relatively small group or what but god they’re the best. i legitimately made friends at a mustard service concert. like we exchanged socials and everything. so fun. so nice. mosh pit was awesome too, intense but people werent getting hurt or anything. there is one ms fan i am not on the best terms with (tl;dr dated my friend for a very short period. they broke up and for a few days she was chill ab See More it and even approached me to tell me he was into me but afterwards she j started being mean idk)
on May 06, 2023

coming from a hardcore black midi fan it’s kinda disappointing how like 90% of the fanbase is so incredibly shitty. i know a lot of decent ones but tbh so many of them j don’t know basic concert etiquette and i’ve heard sm horror stories from bm concerts (fans disrespecting the opener is common, there were some people screaming at morgan the whole time at one show and then they stole his drumsticks, i saw a post on reddit ab some dude intentionally shitting himself in the pit) See More like they’re extremely talented but 1. chill out 2. they aren’t the only band that exists 3. good god people treat the band members + openers with basic fuckking human dignity this is why greep hates the fanbase sm!!

however i can state that the 10% of bm fans who aren’t douchebags are the coolest people ever and always hilarious. love them
on May 06, 2023
on May 06, 2023

i love how i’m literally in college for performance yet today i fully had a panic attack and cried trying to perform for like 10 people

granted it wasn’t really the performing itself that caused it?? i’m MAD stressed w finals coming up + there was a whole fiasco w my sheet music file being bad and me accidentally sending the pianist that + i have four more performances coming up and originally one was supposed to be tonight, one was wednesday, and the other two were next friday but tonight’s See More got pushed back so now im playing three shows back to back next friday (including one that is this huge setlist of like 20 full length arrangements) however it’s good bc there was No Way i was finishing the single i wanna debut at the last gig before tonight
on May 06, 2023
on May 06, 2023

i have this one friend who’s like my exact twin and it’s so funny
-we both love elton john and met bc of this goofy ass elton john fanpage
-we both got betta fish that looked EXACTLY the same around the same day (mine died tho this was like 3 years ago)
-we accidentally got the same shaped glasses on the same day
-both of us are super afraid of throwing up
-we both have super cool teachers we exchange stories about
-we both love elton john and met bc of this goofy ass elton john fanpage
-we both got betta fish that looked EXACTLY the same around the same day (mine died tho this was like 3 years ago)
-we accidentally got the same shaped glasses on the same day
-both of us are super afraid of throwing up
-we both have super cool teachers we exchange stories about
on May 05, 2023

i swear there r two types of musicians: “will literally go onstage with all limbs severed” and “oh oopsie i sneezed sorry can’t go on lolsies” like,, elton john?? bros geriatric and literally played a show with pneumonia. however morrissey will walk off if it’s too cold outside. there’s a video somewhere of thom yorke playing guitar while his hand is just GUSHING blood everywhere. seth evans tho?? “sorry guys ate too much can’t play piano tonight” and don’t even get me started See More on taylor swift jfc i don’t care for her music but i saw recently she performed w her hand cut open and jesus i couldn’t.

actually nvm seth valid for that stage lights are hot and sitting under them for hours if you’re already feeling shitty from overeating will most likely make you sick but morrissey has no excuse cmon bro sorry ur cold just put on a jacket ur not obligated to show us ur titties PLEASE god we don’t want to see them
on May 05, 2023
on May 05, 2023

i love musicians that run accounts that are essentially just meme pages

like.. tommy lee and slash also do it but i think tommy has posted 2 of his own nudes and slash mostly posts weird animated porn but greep?? he doesn’t play man the very first tweet i saw in 2023 was greep and he tweeted like five fully uncensored pictures of men giving themselves head. he’ll give a nonchalant ass caption [ae: what do we think of this?] followed See More by the most graphic and horrifying picture of a penis he could get his hands on. i am so scared to open his lives in public because 90% of the time he will flash a penis picture via green screen. idk how he still has any of his accounts. he’s only gotten banned once and that was because he said he was gonna assassinate tom holland
on May 05, 2023

the greep deserves his own post tho. his entire social media presence is a shitpost and goes beyond just meme pages bro regularly posts straight up porn
on May 05, 2023

ae: slash, tommy lee, the entirety of mustard service, everyone in black midi but particularly geordie greep
on May 05, 2023
on May 05, 2023

everyone thinks that i don’t mind performing bc i’m a music performance major. False!!!! I am scared shitless!!!
on May 05, 2023

HATE bitches who tell me that telling pedophiles to kill themselves is wrong!!! “telling people to kys is bad” Ok don’t care every time a pedophile dies i do a little happy dance

also the people who blame the kids r so fuckked too like.. if they aren’t victims and r just actively seeking out older men bc they want to that’s a whole other issue but as someone who has been personally affected by pedophillia we don’t realize that we’re being groomed. i went through a WHOLE phase from like 14-15 where i’d post heavily edited photos with weird See More sexual undertones on websites predominated by creepy older guys bc i liked the attention i got + it lead to me having an actual thing with a whole college senior (who was also my coach which added a whole other power dynamic) at 15 so Yeah. pedophiles should be shot in the head
on May 05, 2023
on May 05, 2023

no bc there needs to be STUDIES done on kids who got ahold of the internet too early bc that shit’s crazy i should Not have been posting straight porn links and regurgitating far right conspiracy bullshit i saw on 4chan and reddit on qfeast dot com
on May 05, 2023

identikit uploaded a photo
live footage of me high as balls at 1 am doing my music theory homework

on May 05, 2023

omg marco posted tour highlights and one of the videos was him accidentally dropping a cigarette RIGHT in front of one of my college’s music centers i literally have a class in it also i commented and and he liked it
on May 05, 2023

various small tweaks, facts and traits of The HS entities that i think r cool and important !!!
-his ears are pierced and he did it himself
-he wears eyeliner but swears it’s natural bc “only f slurs wear makeup” (this is pre Accidentally Sleeping With Rex era)
-has a hooked nose
-he’s got several moles bc moles are cool
-enjoys fishing but is bad at it See More
-has a small dent/scar on his forehead from crushing a beer can w his head while drunk (he says it was worth it)
-can smoke 3 cigarettes at once
-swears he doesn’t have adhd(meanwhile he can’t focus on anything and complains that instead of getting him jacked up adderall just makes him feel productive)
-acne prone and also has mad dry skin on account of being allergic to everything
-autistic and largely non-speaking sometimes
-loves radiohead and car seat headrest
-beige food enthusiast especially french fries. always brings up that french fries are actually from belgium
-plays bass really well. d-ray wanted him in his band when he found out but rex refused because he’s scared he’ll get nervous
-his family has an orange cat
-slightly uneven haircut (his mom cuts it!!)
-nail biter
-teeth r a little yellow and kinda crooked. (d-ray used to bully him for being british but stopped when he realized that being called british hurts rex’s feelings)
-big fan of tea but not coffee
-regularly shares cigarettes w d-ray
-family is wealthy because his grandpa owns a coffee shop and his grandma grows flowers (where his grandparents live a coffee shop is another name for a dispensary. his grandpa sells weed and his grandma grows it)
-very coarse hair. puts it in braids sometimes but not often.
-tan bc he’s outside a lot
-paints his nails occasionally
-his teeth are nice. almost weirdly nice. like they’re slightly too white he’s really good at brushing his teeth
-has a cool necklace that his grandpa gave him
-never learned how to ride a bike
-when he was a kid he had an ant farm
-serial tree climber
-has been wearing the same huge pair of boots since freshman year because he’s always had huge feet
-has one of those tree car air fresheners in his car
-short (d-ray calls him half pint)
-when he was little he played soccer
-was raised catholic
-lost his father to substance abuse and his older sister shortly afterwards
-total mamas boy (his mother is sweet but overprotective, rightfully so)
-loves carrots
-probably hasn’t washed that purple hoodie in years
-there’s definitely one of those china cabinets in his house
-his mom owns a crusty white dog that is older than he is and she treats it like a second child
-always a little sleepy
-horrible vision. thick ass glasses lenses make his eyes look wide set.
-nose is kinda flat, face is kinda round.
-has one of those aquarium lamps
-his ears are pierced and he did it himself
-he wears eyeliner but swears it’s natural bc “only f slurs wear makeup” (this is pre Accidentally Sleeping With Rex era)
-has a hooked nose
-he’s got several moles bc moles are cool
-enjoys fishing but is bad at it See More
-has a small dent/scar on his forehead from crushing a beer can w his head while drunk (he says it was worth it)
-can smoke 3 cigarettes at once
-swears he doesn’t have adhd(meanwhile he can’t focus on anything and complains that instead of getting him jacked up adderall just makes him feel productive)
-acne prone and also has mad dry skin on account of being allergic to everything
-autistic and largely non-speaking sometimes
-loves radiohead and car seat headrest
-beige food enthusiast especially french fries. always brings up that french fries are actually from belgium
-plays bass really well. d-ray wanted him in his band when he found out but rex refused because he’s scared he’ll get nervous
-his family has an orange cat
-slightly uneven haircut (his mom cuts it!!)
-nail biter
-teeth r a little yellow and kinda crooked. (d-ray used to bully him for being british but stopped when he realized that being called british hurts rex’s feelings)
-big fan of tea but not coffee
-regularly shares cigarettes w d-ray
-family is wealthy because his grandpa owns a coffee shop and his grandma grows flowers (where his grandparents live a coffee shop is another name for a dispensary. his grandpa sells weed and his grandma grows it)
-very coarse hair. puts it in braids sometimes but not often.
-tan bc he’s outside a lot
-paints his nails occasionally
-his teeth are nice. almost weirdly nice. like they’re slightly too white he’s really good at brushing his teeth
-has a cool necklace that his grandpa gave him
-never learned how to ride a bike
-when he was a kid he had an ant farm
-serial tree climber
-has been wearing the same huge pair of boots since freshman year because he’s always had huge feet
-has one of those tree car air fresheners in his car
-short (d-ray calls him half pint)
-when he was little he played soccer
-was raised catholic
-lost his father to substance abuse and his older sister shortly afterwards
-total mamas boy (his mother is sweet but overprotective, rightfully so)
-loves carrots
-probably hasn’t washed that purple hoodie in years
-there’s definitely one of those china cabinets in his house
-his mom owns a crusty white dog that is older than he is and she treats it like a second child
-always a little sleepy
-horrible vision. thick ass glasses lenses make his eyes look wide set.
-nose is kinda flat, face is kinda round.
-has one of those aquarium lamps
on May 05, 2023