a while back cam tweeted something along the lines of “i wish it was socially acceptable for me to rank hottest football players” or something and i FELT that

i can’t rank hottest bm members bc they’re all gorgeous men however i do take a liking to shank ofc.
on May 21, 2023
on May 21, 2023

cuntt is the best swear word. hands down. its just so.. good. so powerful and also so versatile. fuckk is a close second but it’s too overused to be my favorite. nobody says cuntt except brits and australians and damn they’re onto something. people are afraid to say cuntt bc it’s so controversial to the point where people think it’s a slur. its not. it means vagina. im not though. i will never be afraid of the best swear word
on May 20, 2023

bitches who’ve never seen grass outside of fortnite when a psychotic episode looks like going missing bc you have a delusion that you are essentially being hunted for bounty and your only options are to a. run away or b. kys and not just seeing shapes and colors and thinking you’re an anime character: ??????
on May 20, 2023

getting death threats on qfeast dot com crazy

it was a few months ago and im pretty sure it was soul but why were they more upset ab me liking a controversial celebrity in 2021 and telling actual child molesters to kill themselves than the fact that there are child molesters on this website to begin with? ok yeah david bowie said awful things. there are children being abused. when i say “wow pedophilia bad See More i really hope kiro (who mind you, knowingly groomed several minors and dated their cousin) kills themself” you make a whole account to harass me. fuckkin sus man. wouldn’t be surprised if the creature behind the screen is a kid diddler too
on May 20, 2023
on May 20, 2023

wonder what that owen mf’s up to. he messed me up and i hope is not with us anymore
on May 20, 2023

lifestyle changes i plan on making 4 next sem ??
-okok ofc being in a band is gonna be a pretty decent change
- getting a job. i was acc recently offered a hostess job at a pizza joint downtown, will probably end up taking that
-gonna try to get a life coach and once i am able to fully fend for myself im considering going no contact w my mom (not permanently tho)
-gonna invest in a nice bike so i can zip about the city
-also gonna start walking a LOT
-i neeeeed to eat more See More healthy foods!!!! ive been trying to eat more lately (i have an eating disorder from my emetophobia bc i used to gag when i ate things i didn’t like and it made me afraid to eat different foods apart from the stuff i knew i liked but i’m working on it!!!) if i can get a decent pallet of fruits and vegetables i fancy i may go vegetarian (not vegan tho i love dairy milk so sorry cows)
-i wanna cut back on social media again and eventually try to delete them. i started this a few weeks ago but there’s nothing to do in ohio so i gave up for now
-get super into sewing and crafts. so fun
-okok ofc being in a band is gonna be a pretty decent change
- getting a job. i was acc recently offered a hostess job at a pizza joint downtown, will probably end up taking that
-gonna try to get a life coach and once i am able to fully fend for myself im considering going no contact w my mom (not permanently tho)
-gonna invest in a nice bike so i can zip about the city
-also gonna start walking a LOT
-i neeeeed to eat more See More healthy foods!!!! ive been trying to eat more lately (i have an eating disorder from my emetophobia bc i used to gag when i ate things i didn’t like and it made me afraid to eat different foods apart from the stuff i knew i liked but i’m working on it!!!) if i can get a decent pallet of fruits and vegetables i fancy i may go vegetarian (not vegan tho i love dairy milk so sorry cows)
-i wanna cut back on social media again and eventually try to delete them. i started this a few weeks ago but there’s nothing to do in ohio so i gave up for now
-get super into sewing and crafts. so fun

wanted to add a caffeine detox bc i drink soooo much coffee but that will definitely not happen. same w sobriety
on May 20, 2023
on May 20, 2023

i think it’s INSANE how i had absolutely zero game for so long w anyone in this hellstate and i come back after a year in chicago and everyone is throwing themselves at my feet.
on May 20, 2023

andy rourke died and i am devastated

its so easy to not be bothered when it’s someone you don’t really listen to. it didn’t really affect me a lot when EVH died. same with jeff beck. but i listen to the smiths so much. they’ve been at the top of my spotify rewind for the last two years and in the top 5 for at least 3. i met one of my best friends (who is one of the only people from high school i See More still talking to) bc of them. the r genuinely one of my all time favorite bands and it’s so weird
on May 19, 2023
on May 19, 2023

somehow i am the worst while also being better than everyone else and idk what that is
on May 18, 2023

going home after college always sucks but it double sucks when you literally have 0 friends from your hometown because the only high school friend you kept was only here for study abroad.
on May 16, 2023

on May 16, 2023

moved back in w my parents bc someone’s renting my apartment for the next three months and god i need to move back out immediately i fuckking hate it here and i feel so unproductive, it’s 10:30 and i’ve done nothing but shower and smoke today and i still have late finals homework shit bc i’ve been so busy with my performances and other finals that i haven’t had time to do it and i miss my friends and the guy i was seeing hates me i think and everything sucks
on May 14, 2023

j realized i started playing sax when i was 10 im 19 now. that’s almost half my life
on May 14, 2023