people when my ocd isn’t just ‘organize everything perfectly” ocd but also “wash my hands til they bleed” ocd and also “has to listen to hozier before bed or can’t sleep” ocd

i also have “has to go to the bathroom at least three times before bed” ocd regardless of whether i even need to, like even if i j walk in there for a second and stand there. it needs to be done idk
on October 04, 2023
on October 04, 2023

when can i change my username
on October 04, 2023

october is a good month for music wtff. new boygenius. my friend is dropping a 21 song album. i’m going to see mustard service again. crazy
on October 01, 2023

ive had a secret crush on florence welch since like 2018 but it’s not a secret anymore now
on October 01, 2023

on October 01, 2023

on September 30, 2023

my identity crisis completely went away when i decided that labels r silly and i can just call myself queer and be done with it and not have to bounce back and forth between bi and lesbian bc i can’t decide if i rly like dudes or not
on September 28, 2023

i <3 dating within my scene
on September 27, 2023

never understood how ppl say some songs make them feel physically sick till i listened to vampire empire by big thief

like ive had absolutely visceral reactions to songs but that one.. i can feel it in my stomach and it’s like bees
on September 27, 2023
on September 27, 2023

the girl version of the roman empire is literally joan of arc why is nobody talking ab it
on September 26, 2023