about to WAGE WAR with whoever my nextdoor neighbor is theyve been drilling something all morning and were doing it til 1 last night
on October 17, 2023

on October 16, 2023

on October 16, 2023

not-cis ppl will either put so much effort into choosing the perfect name, find one they like, research it, learn ab the history or they’ll hear it once in a tv show and be like “yes. thats me. perfect”

if i recall correctly the person im talking to heard theirs in a youtube documentary series and was like “yeah i like that” and it actually suits them so well i didnt even consider that it’s not their birth name
on October 16, 2023
on October 16, 2023

life updates:
- t m i but i <3 oversharing uhhh about to literally die my periods ab to start and my condition makes me be in agony for the first day or so and i need it to not be a school day (legit had burns on my stomach from the heating pad last month its bad)
-the concert yesterday was a blast i hugged 3 band members and me and my best friend went (the person i like wanted to go but couldnt make it, tbh may have been for the better, it was VERY loud and they can get overwhelmed See More sometimes w that sometimes)
-im at my limit w this dude he apologized for the rejection incident but it always feels like he’s talking down to me and simultaneously trying way too hard to impress me. yesterday he was going on ab how carrying his 40 pound backpack doesnt phase him (im like 8 inches shorter than him, like 2/3rds his weight, clinically malnourished, and have to balance out mg caffeine intake with sedatives and i carry 40+ pounds of school stuff and gear roughly 16 city blocks (give or take) several times per week.
-singing creep by radiohead for class which is destroying my lungs its so hardddd
-weather in chi is so bad rn send help
- t m i but i <3 oversharing uhhh about to literally die my periods ab to start and my condition makes me be in agony for the first day or so and i need it to not be a school day (legit had burns on my stomach from the heating pad last month its bad)
-the concert yesterday was a blast i hugged 3 band members and me and my best friend went (the person i like wanted to go but couldnt make it, tbh may have been for the better, it was VERY loud and they can get overwhelmed See More sometimes w that sometimes)
-im at my limit w this dude he apologized for the rejection incident but it always feels like he’s talking down to me and simultaneously trying way too hard to impress me. yesterday he was going on ab how carrying his 40 pound backpack doesnt phase him (im like 8 inches shorter than him, like 2/3rds his weight, clinically malnourished, and have to balance out mg caffeine intake with sedatives and i carry 40+ pounds of school stuff and gear roughly 16 city blocks (give or take) several times per week.
-singing creep by radiohead for class which is destroying my lungs its so hardddd
-weather in chi is so bad rn send help

@girlfailure holy shit what that’s INSANE. i thinkk i have??? it wasnt as bad as bc but it didnt rly help that much
on October 15, 2023

fuuuuck that, dude. birth control as a period combatant is the worst. they did that for me and i had to be hospitalized because it gave me a pulmonary embolism. ☠️ if birth control isn’t working for u, have u tried progesterone? since i got my surgery in april, i’ve been on that and it’s been way more helpful w both my hormones and my period pain. obv there’s See More no universal miracle cure but it could help maybe
on October 15, 2023

@girlfailure i rly need to😭 my doctor says they suspect endometriosis or fibroids + a hormonal imbalance since they all run in my family but they refuse to do anything but prescribe me birth control and ive tried like 3 different ones and they all make me even sicker LMFAO
on October 14, 2023

have you seen a gynecologist ab ur period? it took me literally three years and majority of that was spent being gaslit by doctors but eventually i was able to get a laparoscopy done and they found endometriosis AND a cyst in there 😭 med professionals suck mega balls tho, especially the ones who say they’re FOR women
on October 14, 2023
on October 14, 2023

saw an inster gram reel of some dude who’s obsessed w pac man and the comments made me so sad

on that note if any of my neurodivergent homies wanna yell me ab their hyperfixations/special interests pls do id love 2 hear the lore >:)
on October 14, 2023

it was all shit like “bring back institutionalizing people” “chris chan” like bro hes clearly autistic and pac man is his special interest he was j rly excited ab playing his silly little yellow dude game let him be happy.
on October 14, 2023
on October 14, 2023

aint no way kendall’s still messaging me on insta gram dot com

I had an account message me "Jesus loves you" and then the next day like "why did you block me I'm just telling you Jesus loves you"
on October 14, 2023
on October 12, 2023

skater boys r so overrated get me a whismical being on a unicycle

on October 10, 2023
on October 10, 2023

on October 10, 2023

my 9 am music theory class got canceled on the day we have a piano assessment. insane W this deserves a brisk walk in the chilly fall weather and a joint by the lakeside 😋
on October 09, 2023

tourists go die challnege (i hate them)

on October 09, 2023

or.. at least don’t walk slow as fuckk and take up the whole sidewalk and get drunk and throw up everywhere
on October 09, 2023
on October 09, 2023

i ai
on October 08, 2023

happy accidentally took a 200 mg edible and had a panic attack while watching wallace and gromit-versary
on October 08, 2023

update: that guy is posting john mayer covers about me 😭wtf why is it that men can’t just like me NORMALLY
on October 07, 2023

sillie updates:
-performed again on tuesday and everyone REALLY liked it
-orchestra is going great. flute is hard to learn but i’m definitely learning!! director’s putting me on flute
-will hopefullyyyyy be going on a second date with s***** soon possibly in a week
-lowkey today was sorta ass one kf my “friends” apparently had a MASSIVE crush on me and now he hates me bc i mentioned that i’m seeing somebody. for some reason he thinks i’m dating my friend k*****??? idk where See More he even got that???. we walk/sit together sometimes, i have his guitar pick for some reason, and today i patted him on the back today bc he wasn’t feeling well and that is the extent of our relationship. but yeah dude cut us both off LOL
-history class was boring for once tbh we watched a documentary and k***** decided to go home and sleep (completely valid tho hope the homie’s feeling better soon🙏)
-had a panic attack bc my stomach hurt most of the day and it felt different than normal so i fully gaslit myself into thinking i had a stomach virus but i think i’m fine now it’s been over 12 hours since it first started and i think it’s j bc i had a coffee for breakfast maybe idk
-performed again on tuesday and everyone REALLY liked it
-orchestra is going great. flute is hard to learn but i’m definitely learning!! director’s putting me on flute
-will hopefullyyyyy be going on a second date with s***** soon possibly in a week
-lowkey today was sorta ass one kf my “friends” apparently had a MASSIVE crush on me and now he hates me bc i mentioned that i’m seeing somebody. for some reason he thinks i’m dating my friend k*****??? idk where See More he even got that???. we walk/sit together sometimes, i have his guitar pick for some reason, and today i patted him on the back today bc he wasn’t feeling well and that is the extent of our relationship. but yeah dude cut us both off LOL
-history class was boring for once tbh we watched a documentary and k***** decided to go home and sleep (completely valid tho hope the homie’s feeling better soon🙏)
-had a panic attack bc my stomach hurt most of the day and it felt different than normal so i fully gaslit myself into thinking i had a stomach virus but i think i’m fine now it’s been over 12 hours since it first started and i think it’s j bc i had a coffee for breakfast maybe idk
on October 06, 2023

art school is insane in high school i was literally unapproachable i can not believe i literally have people fighting over me

on October 06, 2023
on October 06, 2023

no one talks about the feeling of power when the teacher asks if anyone knows where someone is and you know
on October 06, 2023

i had coffee for breakfast and then classes back to back for like 5 hours today and legit stood up so fast i almost passed out

immediately after i stood up the teacher asked me if i knew where my friend was (we have class together before this) and i j stood there like mitch mcconnell at the press conference
on October 06, 2023
on October 06, 2023