its been several years and this shit still slaps

An update fansong. Trickster Jane's POV. Enjoy! :)
DOWNLOAD LIMIT REACHED. ALTERNATE DOWNLOAD AT <a href="http://www.muziboo.com/mp3/sweet-3/">MUZIBOO</a>
music/lyrics (c) phemiec/hamsters
Homestuck (c) Andrew Hussie
Hello, my candy coated darling, it's your vanilla baby
I've come to say I love you and I always have
I find it so amusing, I used to be confused and
afraid that you would never love me back
But now I see that we were always meant to be
you and me forever planting lots of family trees
counting out our children, half a zillion at least
we'll name the boys for you and we will name the girls for me
Hello, the sour peach of my skin, the sweetest poison icing
so tasty it could rot your teeth and brain
The chaoti
on October 28, 2022

on October 25, 2022

bye asf why is this website still here
on September 20, 2022

when tf is qfeast supposed to die
on September 06, 2022

guys idk how discord works so pls drop other forms of social media so we can all stay in contact
on August 31, 2022

on August 22, 2022

did anyone ever figure out if starrynightsystem was just trolling or nah
on July 25, 2022

on July 25, 2022

My cousin is hella creepy lol this is why i don't talk to any family lmaoooo
on July 25, 2022

Btw y’all, adulthood does not make your parents treat you better or respect you more
on July 22, 2022

Playing Roblox literally makes my chromebook feel like a stove lmaooo
on July 06, 2022

also starynight gives major pikachukitty vibes lol

on July 04, 2022
on July 04, 2022

i hope starrynightsystem is just a troll but they did make a whole story with 11 different alters and thats a lot of effort so idk lmaoooo
on July 04, 2022

we rlly got our rights taken away fellas
on June 25, 2022

Adulting is when you call the doctors asking for a refill on a prescription and they ignore you no matter how much u call ? like they acting like I’m asking for xans or sum ? I just want my allergy medicine pls
on June 21, 2022