on November 02, 2022

Sorry everyone I wont be back on for the rest of the day-

oh, ok...stay safe pls...
on October 26, 2022
on October 26, 2022

@HappyKitKat hey! whats up?
on October 26, 2022

@HappyKitKat are you okay? Wanna talk about it privately?
on October 25, 2022

@HappyKitKat hey! Im not on for very long, about 15 mins, so wanna talk for a bit in private chat?
on October 24, 2022

on October 24, 2022

:) lifes been shit I have now officially joined the club- Just a swirl of sadness anger and confusion- With the occasional laughter moments with friends-
on October 20, 2022

Sorry guys its been tough again- slow responses but, today at school i was eating lunch and drinking my first strong coffee, and these two popular girls came up to me and first asked my prefered name and then yadayaya, then they asked if I knew who a person named Payton was, I shook my head no (I was drinking my coffee) and then they said he thought I was the hottest girl in school, keep in mind, (I found out hes very popular) that they're shoving a phone camera and mic in my See More face and then they said what do you think? I was overwhelmed and shocked so I said the first thing that came to mind, "He needs a reality check" So Now I'm going to attempt and approach him tomorrow and im worried they showed him the video and I hurt his feelings- he might take it personally but its just my low self esteem speaking- I don't think im the hottest girl in school and Im the lowest of the low- so unpopular everyone knows my name- help pls-

I don't think he actually likes me and the girls were going around and 'interviewing' other people-
on October 20, 2022
on October 20, 2022

So, yesterday my friend was drinking coffee right, it was caramel vanilla flavored and the brand was black rifle coffee company, it was an espresso 300 mg, triple shot right, so I expressed I wanted it and today he got me my own and now i am high on caffeine and I'm only in 5th period-

heh yea i act like a 3 year old with a dirty mind when i've drinken so much dang caffeeine
on October 20, 2022
on October 20, 2022