breann.west.5's Starred Questions - Page 3
breann.west.5 has 125 starred questions

if you could marry anyone or thing what would it be ?

Who's your favorite anime character? Mine would have to be Grell, he's so funny and let...
Would You rather smooch a ghost or smooch a ghost? Might be attempting to be undertale ...
What instrument do you play/wanna play Details (Optional)

If you were able to get a tattoo, what would it be of? Qfeast send me something that I ...

What holiday do you h@te? Mines vallentines day, it's pointless and only makes single p...
If u had 5 wishes, what would they be?
What would be your ultimate one power?
What star/zodiac sign are you? I'm Pisces

How Do I Get Over My Fictional Crush? ;-; I have a huge crush on Makoto from Free *^* H...

Whats your favourite video game? Mine is probably spore.

qfeast vs facebook! which one?

What Do You Think of Yourself?

If you could spend one hour doing absolutely anything what would you do?
Does the world have a point? I sometimes wonder, were we put here to live our lives, or...