What Do You Think of Yourself?
Answers (20)
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I am stupid, hyper, weird, crazy, and way to stubborn. I have a lot of flaws, most that could be worked on, but never fixed.
I am my own worst enemy...
You could never beat me...
But a lot of people can bring me down.
But whatever you say,
I am in charge of my feelings.
And today, I am choosing happiness. See More
I am my own worst enemy...
You could never beat me...
But a lot of people can bring me down.
But whatever you say,
I am in charge of my feelings.
And today, I am choosing happiness. See More

:) people can learn a lot from you

Np :D
on March 11, 2016

Haha, thanks! \^-^/
on March 11, 2016
on March 09, 2016

*claps* Yes. Just yes.

on February 01, 2016

:3 Thank you. *bows* Thank you.
on January 31, 2016
on January 31, 2016
on January 31, 2016
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“I wish I didn't have such bad luck.”
“It's too late for me, so why bother?”
“But what will they think about me?”
“I'm so stupid.”
“No one will ever love me.”
“I can't do it.”
“Life isn’t fair. If only things were better…” See More
“I hate my body.”
“I’m so embarrassed I wish I could disappear.”
“I can’t trust anyone, I’ve been hurt too much.”
“I might as well give up.”
“It's too late for me, so why bother?”
“But what will they think about me?”
“I'm so stupid.”
“No one will ever love me.”
“I can't do it.”
“Life isn’t fair. If only things were better…” See More
“I hate my body.”
“I’m so embarrassed I wish I could disappear.”
“I can’t trust anyone, I’ve been hurt too much.”
“I might as well give up.”
on February 09, 2021
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i think i am me i think I'm strong nice grate with animals :3 also very nerdy XD
on July 23, 2016
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I am dark. Unwanted ans undneeded. I regret setting foot on earth. I hate myself, Nd no one cares. I'm weird. To many fear me. I don't want to be like that. I cry to easily, I cry to often. Im way to stubborn..
on March 10, 2016
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I'm am a crazy,lonely,weird,long haired, and always angry cause I'm easily pissed off I don't react very well to dumb jokes i take things seriously all the time if I'm good at something I do sometimes show off.
I don't like playing team sport and always play games usally by myself, I'm lazy and don't do a lot so I think sometimes I'm a lazy piece of crap and a jerk at most times
I really nice just most people don't think I am. I really like to help out other with there problems See More ether cause I gone though the same thing or I know someone that had
So that's what I think about my self
I don't like playing team sport and always play games usally by myself, I'm lazy and don't do a lot so I think sometimes I'm a lazy piece of crap and a jerk at most times
I really nice just most people don't think I am. I really like to help out other with there problems See More ether cause I gone though the same thing or I know someone that had
So that's what I think about my self
on March 09, 2016
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*thinks about putting what I think of myself....then thinks not to since I think mine would look simply like an unoriginal copy*
I'm an unoriginal, non-creative, introverted, shy, worthless, lonely cave dweller. Quite a horrible friend, and only make things worse when I try to help... i can't do anything right...
I'm an unoriginal, non-creative, introverted, shy, worthless, lonely cave dweller. Quite a horrible friend, and only make things worse when I try to help... i can't do anything right...
on March 09, 2016
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I am annoying, selfish, loyal, trustworthy, weird, chaos good. I hate being a human cause I hate feeling bare skin and other bare skin against me.
I'm a lazy slut who sometimes can be a bit greedy when it comes to food and I'm an idiot. But still I'm am special in my own way.
I'm a lazy slut who sometimes can be a bit greedy when it comes to food and I'm an idiot. But still I'm am special in my own way.
on March 09, 2016
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I honestly dont know what to think of myself, but i try to help others out and just ignore those that oppose me. I cant really judge who i am because that would be biased
on March 09, 2016
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I'm a coward. I'm careless, stupid coward who believes they are a good person but when it comes down to a big situation I would leave everyone behind just for myself. I hate it, I want to be selfless and help people...I try to but I know that is what I'd do thus why I hate myself
on March 08, 2016
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Worthless,stupid,pointless and a waste of space. I'm sorry for breathing your air everyone

on February 03, 2016
on February 03, 2016
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Sorry for being depressing...
Only one
Left behind See More
Uncared for
Not worthy of friends
By myself
All alone...
Only one
Left behind See More
Uncared for
Not worthy of friends
By myself
All alone...
on January 31, 2016
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I am... er.... I am...
. See More
"Cocky bitch"
"I hate you!"
"Eww disgusting"
"I bet I have more dates then the cuts on your wrists"
"Go die"
I am strong, I am weak. My mind goes on repeat.
I am scared, I am sad, and yet I feel so glad.
I am beautiful, I am ugly.
Too many people are too lucky.
I am weird, I am stupid...
And yet I act like cupid.
I hate myself, that is true
But at the same time I love myself too.
It would be hard to tell you, everything I think of
Because last time I checked nobody even gives a--
I wish I was powerful
I wish people could see
That everything they say and do
Means so much to me
Whether they hate me
Whether they love me
I don't see what they see
because I am so ugly-
I made this poem
Though it could be sung as a rap
Because I can't tell you what I need to say
Because my mind changes every single day.
*ahem* ...yeah.
I am such a bitch omg-
there's a lot I didn't put into my poem/rap but all you need to know is...
I think of myself as ok
. See More
"Cocky bitch"
"I hate you!"
"Eww disgusting"
"I bet I have more dates then the cuts on your wrists"
"Go die"
I am strong, I am weak. My mind goes on repeat.
I am scared, I am sad, and yet I feel so glad.
I am beautiful, I am ugly.
Too many people are too lucky.
I am weird, I am stupid...
And yet I act like cupid.
I hate myself, that is true
But at the same time I love myself too.
It would be hard to tell you, everything I think of
Because last time I checked nobody even gives a--
I wish I was powerful
I wish people could see
That everything they say and do
Means so much to me
Whether they hate me
Whether they love me
I don't see what they see
because I am so ugly-
I made this poem
Though it could be sung as a rap
Because I can't tell you what I need to say
Because my mind changes every single day.
*ahem* ...yeah.
I am such a bitch omg-
there's a lot I didn't put into my poem/rap but all you need to know is...
I think of myself as ok
on February 10, 2021