awesome_stories added a new chapter to Yandere: The Masked Lover

Monday was same as usual for most people; most people except Misa. She was paranoid since she hadn't heard from Cheri for almost a week now. Was it the thing to do with her dad? Or maybe Kaito got involved? She didn't have anyone to talk to anymore, and Misa was getting lonely. Why was she now invisible? Yes, she knew she was popular but she couldn't tell anyone how vulnerable she felt. Maybe she should talk to Kaito? She knew tons of girls who liked him so perhaps he wasn't that bad. No, she...
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on December 05, 2015

awesome_stories added a new chapter to Yandere: The Masked Lover

My Room
"Info-chan" I texted on the night of Friday
"What?" replied the person on the other side "I know what you did"
"So I was wondering"
"Wonder all you want Yandere-chan"
"Why do you call me a Yandere? I mean, I only killed one girl, a Yandere is different"
"What if I told you that Misa-chan had all your answers"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean about the others"
"What others?"
"Oh, come on Yandere-chan! Other girls will fall for him"
"So you want me to befriend Misa"
"Up to you. That information wil... Read Full Chapter
"What?" replied the person on the other side "I know what you did"
"So I was wondering"
"Wonder all you want Yandere-chan"
"Why do you call me a Yandere? I mean, I only killed one girl, a Yandere is different"
"What if I told you that Misa-chan had all your answers"
"What do you mean?"
"I mean about the others"
"What others?"
"Oh, come on Yandere-chan! Other girls will fall for him"
"So you want me to befriend Misa"
"Up to you. That information wil... Read Full Chapter
on November 19, 2015

awesome_stories added a new chapter to Avatar: Legend of the Twins

Hazel stared out of the window. She hated people. They were always fussing about their hair and what to wear, girls were the worst. Boys on the other hand were still bad, checking out all the "popular" girls and telling jokes so dirty minded, Hazel wanted to throw up. At her last school the class was alright, probably because the school was very small. Now she had moved it was such a pain there was defiantly going to be those types of people. Why? she had asked herself many times. Why did she...
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on August 18, 2015

awesome_stories added a new chapter to Avatar: Legend of the Twins

Charlie's heart thumped in his chest as he saw his sister's expression change. It couldn't be good if someone was stalking them, in any case the twins were taught to never show their bending to another person. He nodded to Phoebe as they slowed down to a walk. It would be wise to take the same route as they always did as Charlie had a hunch this wasn't the first time they had been followed. Luckily for them the path was narrow and had lots of twists and turns, not to mention the hundreds of t...
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on July 30, 2015

awesome_stories added a new chapter to Avatar: Legend of the Twins

Normal Days
Phoebe woke up to hearing her annoyingly catchy alarm. She hit the snooze button and rolled out of bed onto her rough bedroom floor. The year was 2015 June 2nd and she was 15 years old. She groaned and moaned before picking herself up and groggily walking into her brother’s room.
"Charlie wake up!" Phoebe yelled in his ear. Taken aback Charlie woke up with a jolt before face planting onto the wooden floor.
"Phoebe why?!" he moaned, half asleep. When he finally got up Phoebe could see his dar... Read Full Chapter
"Charlie wake up!" Phoebe yelled in his ear. Taken aback Charlie woke up with a jolt before face planting onto the wooden floor.
"Phoebe why?!" he moaned, half asleep. When he finally got up Phoebe could see his dar... Read Full Chapter
on July 30, 2015


on July 31, 2015

How you doing?
on July 30, 2015

on July 30, 2015
on July 21, 2015

That awkward moment when the pavement only fits two people and you have to walk behind them.
on June 03, 2015

Thumbs up if you'd care if I was in pain
Thumbs down if you wouldn't care
~ be honest
~ repost to see who cares
~ started by Fandomlover
Thumbs down if you wouldn't care
~ be honest
~ repost to see who cares
~ started by Fandomlover
on December 22, 2014

I need help O_o
on November 24, 2014