Normal Days

"Charlie wake up!" Phoebe yelled in his ear. Taken aback Charlie woke up with a jolt before face planting onto the wooden floor.
"Phoebe why?!" he moaned, half asleep. When he finally got up Phoebe could see his dark cropped hair standing up at odd angles. Charlie rolled his weary green eyes at her before saying "When are you going to stop doing that?!"
"When I die" She replied with a grin before standing on her tiptoes to ruffle his hair. Although Phoebe was the older twin Charlie was a good few inches taller than her. Before she had time to stop him, Charlie picked Phoebe up and swung her over his shoulder before walking back into her room and dumping her on the bed.
"When are you are going to stop that?" Phoebe giggled
"When I die" He said, punching her playfully on the arm.
"Come on we’re going to be late so get your uniform on" She reminded. 10 minutes later they both left the house and walked to school.
When they arrived class had already started so they both rushed to their form room.
"Charlie, Phoebe late as usual I see" Their tutor complained.
"Sorry Miss" The twins replied in unison before hurrying to their places.
"Well then as punishment you both will have to show our new student around" she said before calling the boy up. He had short blond hair with light blue eyes that sparkled when he smiled. Phoebe's heart thumped in her chest as she watched him stand up. He was quite tall for his age.
"Hi I'm Scott" he introduced before smiling at Phoebe. It took all her will not to faint at that moment, she had never crushed on anyone like this before. Normally boys didn't interest her and all she focused on was her bending. But this boy made none of that matter at all as if she didn't have a care in the world. The bell pulled Phoebe from her thoughts and she quickly lead Scott to their next class.
The rest of the day was quite boring as the classes were Maths, English, Geography, and History. Scott followed them for the whole day long and asked loads of questions, most of which Phoebe was too shy to answer. It turned out that Scott wasn't interested in hanging around the other kids in their year. He was a few months older than the twins.
Science was the last lesson and they were put into trios to work with Bunsen burners. So Scott, Charlie and Phoebe were a three. Charlie helped Phoebe light the Bunsen whilst Scott got the safety goggles. Phoebe then got her arm caught the burner and it flung into the air! It came near her face but for some reason flickered away and landed on her arm. She cried in pain as it burned through her clothes onto her flesh. Scott ran over to her, turned the gas tap off and opened up a sink.
"Quickly roll up your sleeve" he instructed
"Ow argh it’s too painful" she complained
"Take your shirt off" Charlie suggested. Phoebe glared at him. "In the bathroom I meant" he stuttered. Phoebe ran to the girls’ bathroom and took her shirt off. She ran the tap and used water-bending to put some water over her burn. She focused on the wound and already the water glowed over the mark. After two minutes the wound healed. So she put her shirt back on and returned to class.
When the day finally ended they said goodbye to Scott and rushed back home.
"Hey Phoebe" Charlie whispered as they were running
"Yes?" she whispered back.
"Someone's following us"
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