Yamilettethehedgehog101's Starred Questions
Yamilettethehedgehog101 has 55 starred questions

What do you like more and why? Anime or Cartoons?

How well do you think My Little Pony is, and why? My Little Pony is a show created by H...

Favorite Dog breed? Mine is a husky because I have a pet husky named Fang
What are the pros and cons to being homeschooled? Do not joke- I need serious answers. ...

If you could change your name... what would your name be? Please only your first name.....

Why do you think Dr. Eggman is fat? If you know Sonic Characters, take this
What's the hardest part of a human to draw

Favorite Sonic character out of all the characters in the series? My favorite is Shadow...

What are you afraid of? (1) What are your fears. Nobody will make fun of you on this page!
Can I use you for a story? Okay so I recently got inspired for a story about a Qfeast a...
What job do you want? i want to become a actor

What YouTuber Are yo?
Think of one word that sums up your whole personality.
How did you end up on qfeast? How did you find qfeast? I wanted to ask this question be...

if there was a portal and it let you pick any 3 places where would pick? only three pl...
What two Dinsey movies do like the best? (An 2-D animated and an up to date one[3-D]?

What is your greatest fear? (1)

What's your preference on sonic? Do you like sonic?

Why did you choose your username?