howdy, sweetie belle! how are ya?:)

(Sorry for the long time post...) Yeah, I'm good!
on October 05, 2013

im great! what are ya doing?:)
on September 28, 2013

I'm fine! What about you?
on September 12, 2013
on September 11, 2013

howdy, applebloom!... I didn't know you had qfeast????

on September 11, 2013
on September 10, 2013

hello rairity!
on September 08, 2013

Derpy Hooves Makes Muffins!
Derpy Hooves makes her own muffins, for your viewing pleasure. Subscribe for more misadventures! :D Background music is a rip of the Cutie Mark Crusaders mus...
on September 08, 2013


on September 08, 2013

Well, I was just chatting with one of my friends on devintART, and now I'm gonna finish a drawing I started last night
on September 08, 2013
on September 08, 2013

XxApple_JackxX asked a question

Twilight or Fluttershy (season 1, vote 3) please vote for twilight, our last weeks winn...
on September 08, 2013

hello twilight! congratulations! you are the winner of my 2nd pony vote, twilight or rainbowdash! you got more votes! hey! you could vote in my next pony vote, twilight or fluttershy!
on September 08, 2013

hey yall! inesidora is someone on qfeast who is sooooo cool! ask her if she can draw ya and It will be done in just like a minuite! she did me and it looks just like me! try it!:)
on September 07, 2013

hello derpy!
on September 07, 2013

hello moonlight!
on September 07, 2013


No problem and thank you :) :):) :) :):) :) :):): :))))))):):) :) :) :) :))))))) :):) :)) :) :):):):):))))) :)):):):) :)
on September 07, 2013
on September 07, 2013

XxApple_JackxX added a new chapter to My little Filly (mlp)

"I told you to leave her alone!" applejack told the bullies.
"oh, were not here for her.her here for HER!" they said and pointed to a little grey fillie with a blond mane.
it was derpy.
the bullies called derpy names like stupid, and an idiot.
when twilight got angry.
"hey! leave her alone!" Twilight yelled at the bullies
"and what will you do if we don't?" asked the main bully.
" I will put a spell on you to turn you into a froggy!" twilight replied.
"oh, yeah right!" the bullies sa... Read Full Chapter
"oh, were not here for her.her here for HER!" they said and pointed to a little grey fillie with a blond mane.
it was derpy.
the bullies called derpy names like stupid, and an idiot.
when twilight got angry.
"hey! leave her alone!" Twilight yelled at the bullies
"and what will you do if we don't?" asked the main bully.
" I will put a spell on you to turn you into a froggy!" twilight replied.
"oh, yeah right!" the bullies sa... Read Full Chapter
on September 07, 2013

XxApple_JackxX added a new chapter to My little Filly (mlp)

inside the classroom, their teacher, mrs. jazz was working on some papers. She looked up to see pinky pie with a LONG smile on her face.
"can I help you?" she asked.
pinky just stared for a few seconds.
"yes. look over there! its the new filly!" she said.
"oh! you must be twilight! im your teacher mrs. jazz." she showed twilight her desk, which was next to a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane.
can you guess who this was?
"hello. my name is twilight sparkle. what is your name?" twilight as... Read Full Chapter
"can I help you?" she asked.
pinky just stared for a few seconds.
"yes. look over there! its the new filly!" she said.
"oh! you must be twilight! im your teacher mrs. jazz." she showed twilight her desk, which was next to a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane.
can you guess who this was?
"hello. my name is twilight sparkle. what is your name?" twilight as... Read Full Chapter
on September 06, 2013

XxApple_JackxX added a new chapter to My little Filly (mlp)

Hi, my names applejack!
"you had better leave her alone! you have been doing this for way to long! some pony gotta stand up to you for crying out loud!... and im that pony!" she said to the bully.
There was 3 bullys. they just stared at her until the main bully spoke. He laughed but you could tell that it was fake.
The filly just kept staring.
Then the bully spoke. " f-fine...but you gotta- you gotta, um... you gotta mind your own business. yeah... mind your own business...come on guys, were out of here." then th... Read Full Chapter
There was 3 bullys. they just stared at her until the main bully spoke. He laughed but you could tell that it was fake.
The filly just kept staring.
Then the bully spoke. " f-fine...but you gotta- you gotta, um... you gotta mind your own business. yeah... mind your own business...come on guys, were out of here." then th... Read Full Chapter
on September 06, 2013