
"can I help you?" she asked.
pinky just stared for a few seconds.
"yes. look over there! its the new filly!" she said.
"oh! you must be twilight! im your teacher mrs. jazz." she showed twilight her desk, which was next to a yellow Pegasus with a pink mane.
can you guess who this was?
"hello. my name is twilight sparkle. what is your name?" twilight asked
"oh...um...my name is fluttershy" she whispered.
"what was tht? I didn't quite catch it." said twilight.
the filly put her head down.
"fluttershy." she whispered just a little louder.
"sorry. I still cant hear you." replied twilight.
"my name is fluttershy." she said loud enough for twilight to hear.
"oh, well hi there, fluttersky" said twilight.
"fluttershy" fluttershy corrected
"oh, I know...hey, do you want to play with me, rainbow dash, pinky pie, and applejack at recess?" asked twilight.
"can rairity come?" asked fluttershy
"of course she can! who is rairity?" asked twilight.
All of a sudden...
"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" they heard a filly cry
"that is rairity." said fluttershy with her eyes closed tightly.
Twilight spun around to see who rairity was.
there was a white unicorn with a beautiful purple mane...and a big red stain on her side!?
"im so so so so soooooooo sorry, rairity!" the same young colt that said hello to her before school had spilt his grape juice on rairity.
"you spilt your stupid juice on me you...you...aaaa!!!!!!" rairity said
"I said im sorry" the colt said
Mrs. jazz helped rairity clean up.
After she was once again white, rairity came over.
"did you see what that stupid colt did to me!?" she asked fluttershy.
"yes." replied fluttershy
"oh, who is this?" rairity asked looking at twilight.
"that is twilight." fluttershy half whispered
"oh! well hi! my name is rairity and he spilt his juice on me!" rairity said.
" I saw" said twilight
"twilight said we could play with them at recess" said fluttershy to rairity
"yay! maybe we can play fasion show!" clapped rairity.
"oh...a...maybe" said twilight nervously. twilight didn't want to play fasion show.
"alright class! a little addition! show me what you know!" mrs. jazz said and passed everone a little white sheet.
after all of that boring math, the bell rang. Every little filly and little colt ran out the door for recess, including fluttershy, rairity, applejack, rainbowdash, pinky pie, and twilight.
except, the six new friends couldn't get out of the school doors because...the three bullys were there.
"aaaaaaaa!" yelled rairity and then fainted.
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