Comment which one applies :3
(๏_๏) - I stalk you
(¬_¬ - You should go away
(∩ -∩ ) - I really like you
(° o ° - you shock me
(^ 3 ^) - I want to kiss you
(>^ ▽^) > - I want to hug you See More
(°Д°) - You scare me
( T_T ) - You annoy me
( ~_~; ) - I’m too shy to talk to you...
( ・・; ) - How did I end up here?
(UnU) - you never talk to me
( >∇< ) - we should rp!
(≧∇≦) - Your beautiful
(^///^) - I love you
(X ~ X) - Deactivate
I shall take any answers you have.
(๏_๏) - I stalk you
(¬_¬ - You should go away
(∩ -∩ ) - I really like you
(° o ° - you shock me
(^ 3 ^) - I want to kiss you
(>^ ▽^) > - I want to hug you See More
(°Д°) - You scare me
( T_T ) - You annoy me
( ~_~; ) - I’m too shy to talk to you...
( ・・; ) - How did I end up here?
(UnU) - you never talk to me
( >∇< ) - we should rp!
(≧∇≦) - Your beautiful
(^///^) - I love you
(X ~ X) - Deactivate
I shall take any answers you have.

on November 03, 2014

on November 03, 2014
on November 03, 2014

When you are on, go to the Qfeast Prom!
on November 03, 2014

on October 30, 2014

Over the past couple of days, I've been watching A Very Potter Musical. While I've been a fan for years, I've never seen the full ending. Now I have.
Why, Matt? Why? I NEED QUIRRELLMORT. Okay, that was sweet, but a kiss would have been epic.
*starts AVPS again* YAY BRIAN.
Why, Matt? Why? I NEED QUIRRELLMORT. Okay, that was sweet, but a kiss would have been epic.
*starts AVPS again* YAY BRIAN.
on October 25, 2014

Will u go to mc halloween?

on October 25, 2014
on October 25, 2014

SlytherinDemigod added a question to the starred list

Minecraft Halloween! JeweledOwl812 and I (Ravenclaw3243) are hosting a Halloween event ...
on October 25, 2014

on October 24, 2014

I'm bored... Anyone stalking their news feed?

on October 24, 2014
on October 24, 2014

I am dying of happiness.
on October 23, 2014

╠╬╬╬╣Put this on your page
╠╬╬╬╣If you LOVE
╠╬╬╬╣Put this on your page
╠╬╬╬╣If you LOVE
on October 23, 2014

I go to an a girls school and we've started shipping each other together o.O
on October 23, 2014

on October 23, 2014

When you leave for half an hour and expect loads of notifications and cone back to nothing -_-
on October 23, 2014

SlytherinDemigod added a question to the starred list

I need an OC name! I need help making an OC guy! He's also an Apollo kid. He plays viol...
on October 23, 2014