on October 22, 2014

Explaining to my Muggle friend the wonders of Pigfarts and she thinks it is epic and I'm like I know right.
on October 22, 2014

There's nothing you could do or say that could make me feel any different. Well – declaring your undying love for Snape would take me a bit to get used to, but, well, I can't really ever see you doing that, so it all works out in the end, eh?
Sirius... I love you... *laughs*
Sirius... I love you... *laughs*
on October 22, 2014

Slytherins have a reputation to uphold, you know. We're the ones that keep the old traditions and etiquettes alive. We're honor bound to keep up pretenses, even if it kills your back and after an hour you want to shoot the Headmaster for rambling on and on and on. Really. There should be a limit to how long the old wizard can talk. I mean, does he realize how much it sucks to sit up straight on those abominable benches? Really.
Peefect quote for Slytherin.
Peefect quote for Slytherin.
on October 22, 2014

Does anyone else always change the background so you're reading white on black? I do...
on October 22, 2014

If you ever feel geeky or nerdy (not that there's anything wrong with being that), please remember.
I am arguing with my friend right now over if the word 'literally' can be used figuratively. We're strange like that.
I am arguing with my friend right now over if the word 'literally' can be used figuratively. We're strange like that.
on October 22, 2014

I... Don't want... To live on this planet anymore.
The general IQ of people on the Internet is less than a carrot's.
The general IQ of people on the Internet is less than a carrot's.
on October 22, 2014

Will I ever meet Darren Criss?
Of all the questions xD
Of all the questions xD
on October 22, 2014

If you ever feel depressed or feel like everyone hates you, just remember. I don't hate you. And I bet a bunch of others do to. You are loved.
Send This To Whoever You Are Willing To Help Through Any Rough Times
~Started By DerpytheGreatandPowerful
Send This To Whoever You Are Willing To Help Through Any Rough Times
~Started By DerpytheGreatandPowerful
on October 22, 2014

I'm so cold... It's six am and I can't get up yet but I am so cold....
on October 22, 2014

Oh my gods... I could just cry. I never even knew... But then I've only recently discovered them...
on October 22, 2014

on October 22, 2014

on October 21, 2014

SlytherinDemigod added a question to the starred list

How'd You Find Qfeast? How did you find this site? My story: My friend, MockingjayDistr...
on October 21, 2014

Messaging my friend: This was our conversation.
Me: ? Look its Jason
Her: ? Look its Octavian
Me: ? Look its Jason
Her: ? Look its Octavian
on October 21, 2014

on October 21, 2014

on October 21, 2014