Lily: * clears jump* well done black heart we did it well done *goes bright pink*
Black heart: *dips head* snorts
Black heart: *dips head* snorts
on September 17, 2014

on September 17, 2014

on September 16, 2014

Dark hair, blue eyes, English rose
Black skull top and jeans
Black heart
Jet black pony with bags of character See More
A change of scene
Dark hair, blue eyes, English rose
Black skull top and jeans
Black heart
Jet black pony with bags of character See More
A change of scene
on September 16, 2014

on September 15, 2014

Appearance-black hair, grey eyes, English rose
Pet- owl named starry
Other-is a bookworm and teachers pet, good luck getting her out if the library!
Appearance-black hair, grey eyes, English rose
Pet- owl named starry
Other-is a bookworm and teachers pet, good luck getting her out if the library!
on September 14, 2014

Saltednuts asked a question

Role-play panic Loads of people have been doing 'role plays recently and I was wonderin...
on September 14, 2014

Saltednuts asked a question

Sexism your opinion? The whole world is sexist apparently woman should be behind the ki...
on September 11, 2014

:D &[] thx sooooooo much to my 50 followers :D &[]
on September 06, 2014

Saltednuts asked a question

What is a haiku? I have heard a lot about them and I know it's a type of poetry but wha...
on September 06, 2014

Saltednuts asked a question
teacher trouble My teacher is really strict-what can I do to make her like me more
on August 31, 2014