Pet Hotel RP
Welcome to pet hotel, let me take your bags! For the next couple of weeks you will adopt a sensible pet and play different activities with your pet! Fill out an oc form with: name age gender pet, name and description, outfit looks and reason why at hotel

Name: Amber Winter Woods
age: 16
gender: f
pet: Ocelot
Name: Starlight (Starry)
description: ocelot but like blue eyes and white fur
outfit: Jeans and tshirt See More
reason: To try to train pet...iddkkk
age: 16
gender: f
pet: Ocelot
Name: Starlight (Starry)
description: ocelot but like blue eyes and white fur
outfit: Jeans and tshirt See More
reason: To try to train pet...iddkkk
on September 17, 2014

Lily: * clears jump* well done black heart we did it well done *goes bright pink*
Black heart: *dips head* snorts
Black heart: *dips head* snorts
on September 17, 2014

Dark hair, blue eyes, English rose
Black skull top and jeans
Black heart
Jet black pony with bags of character See More
A change of scene
Dark hair, blue eyes, English rose
Black skull top and jeans
Black heart
Jet black pony with bags of character See More
A change of scene
on September 16, 2014