
Here, just click the link, create an account to R2Games, then go back on the Wartune homepage, and meet me in the server [S521] Nypen Forest
on August 18, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Name: Katerina
Role: hasn't found anything unique to do and so far is doing odd jobs for the circus
Personality: ( it may change ) a little quiet sweet but focused and will do what she set out to do
Family/backstory: was rather wealthy but her parents died and she was abused by her relatives so she ran away and is now at the circus
Extra: is a jack-of-all-trades
Role: hasn't found anything unique to do and so far is doing odd jobs for the circus
Personality: ( it may change ) a little quiet sweet but focused and will do what she set out to do
Family/backstory: was rather wealthy but her parents died and she was abused by her relatives so she ran away and is now at the circus
Extra: is a jack-of-all-trades
on August 18, 2014

Today I went to orchestra and today was the first day of the kinda school year and I was reading cause I came too early then my best ( orchestra ) friend came and sat next to me!!!!!!!!! ( I was worried she moved up a level, it's complicated ) she even wore a cat sweater for me :D so we kinda talked a lot. She said that she wouldn't know wht to do without me cause she thinks she would kinda freak out anyone else with her ( awesome) weirdness. So at this one point out conductor See More started singing ( he also tells bad jokes ) and we started laughing I was surprised that he didn't notice us ( we were in the second row from the podium ) well anyways I got to see my friend that I couldn't contact all summer :D
on August 18, 2014

Who wants to rp

on August 18, 2014

on August 18, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Wanna continue or rp from yesterday
on August 17, 2014


on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Wanna rp

on August 20, 2014

Skittle: Yes, but Mr Winter seems to have an awful lot of papers to correct and mark and everything.
on August 20, 2014

Rose: well language arts teachers have pretty much the least rigid subject to teach and probably don't have too many papers to grade usually
on August 20, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Who wants to roleplay? ( those who want to talk please post something on my wall or use private message )
on August 17, 2014

Alexandria: *goes back to her house with Elsbeth*

on August 18, 2014

(Mr Graystone chose the Green Dragon because he was drinking there, and is feeling a little drunk, so instead of going to Alex's house and making a scene he decided to tell her to meet him there)
on August 17, 2014

on August 17, 2014

(??? Why is Mr Graystone meeting his future daughter in law at a dingy little pub in a dodgy part of London?)
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014