Victorian RP
This is set in London (WHOO) about Charles Dickens' time (1865 roughly) Yep, you're either rich or poor on this one, not really an in between at this stage.

Beth: *she sighed wiping tears from her eyes and pulling her shawl tighter against herself*
*she moved into the Green Dragon, letter in hand*
*she had planned out every movement and knew where she was going to put the letter*
*she moved to the women's dressing area*
*she tucked the letter into the corset on a mannequin looking at it ruefully*
*she moved into the Green Dragon, letter in hand*
*she had planned out every movement and knew where she was going to put the letter*
*she moved to the women's dressing area*
*she tucked the letter into the corset on a mannequin looking at it ruefully*
on October 29, 2014

Luke:*waking up groggy and stiff, yawning and padding to the kettle*
*making tea automatically, humming a riff*
*smiles ruefully, remembering another morning when he had been beaten to the kettle and rewarded with a burn for his tardiness*
*goes into the bedroom, voice low and soft* Beth? *not wanting to wake her up*
*frowns at the rumpled quilt, with no sign of a sleeping person hidden in them*
*crossing the room in two strides to rip the rug off revealing a cold bed* Beth!??! See More *looks around, galvanized into action, checking every nook* Beth!! *a toxic cocktail of emotions coursing through his veins, panic that Beth was somewhere and still drugged, anger she could disappear, a cold fear she was out of reach, crashing loneliness in the house that was too quiet to his musician's ears*
*yanking the front door open, hopelessly scanning every dirty face for Beth's*
*making his way down the streets, looking for the one familiar frame*
*making tea automatically, humming a riff*
*smiles ruefully, remembering another morning when he had been beaten to the kettle and rewarded with a burn for his tardiness*
*goes into the bedroom, voice low and soft* Beth? *not wanting to wake her up*
*frowns at the rumpled quilt, with no sign of a sleeping person hidden in them*
*crossing the room in two strides to rip the rug off revealing a cold bed* Beth!??! See More *looks around, galvanized into action, checking every nook* Beth!! *a toxic cocktail of emotions coursing through his veins, panic that Beth was somewhere and still drugged, anger she could disappear, a cold fear she was out of reach, crashing loneliness in the house that was too quiet to his musician's ears*
*yanking the front door open, hopelessly scanning every dirty face for Beth's*
*making his way down the streets, looking for the one familiar frame*
on October 18, 2014

Homell: *looking for an exit*

on October 16, 2014

Beth: *once she suspected he was asleep, she slipped out from under the rug*
*she wrapped herself in a shawl and made for the door*
*her heart pained in her chest though*
*looking at the figure of Luke, she couldn't bare to just leave him* See More
*she turned back and removed her hair piece leaving it on her bed*
*she moved past him but again she couldn't get through the door*
*gingerly, she moved to Luke and kissed his forehead*
*Now, relieved she sped out the door unsure of wear she was going but knowing she was going*
Beth: *once she suspected he was asleep, she slipped out from under the rug*
*she wrapped herself in a shawl and made for the door*
*her heart pained in her chest though*
*looking at the figure of Luke, she couldn't bare to just leave him* See More
*she turned back and removed her hair piece leaving it on her bed*
*she moved past him but again she couldn't get through the door*
*gingerly, she moved to Luke and kissed his forehead*
*Now, relieved she sped out the door unsure of wear she was going but knowing she was going*
on October 16, 2014
on September 28, 2014

Tom:*opens the kitchen door on Harry buried under various flowers* Ummm.......who's that?
Harry:*muffled yells*
Harry:*muffled yells*

Tom:*blood rushing to his face* Uhh........I were joking on that one.*attempts a grin, which turns out more of a panicked mask*
*reminding himself this is why he didn't go looking for women*
*reminding himself this is why he didn't go looking for women*
on October 13, 2014

Miranda: *confused then looks at him eyes wide* No, no! I didn't mean to me! I meant in general like would a wife suit you? *face reddens and she covers her face with her hands* i didn't mean it like that! Not that you aren't a good sir but-- *sits on a bar stool hands in face and down embarrassed*
on October 13, 2014

Tom:*trying to hold in a leap in his stomach*
*attempting to be casual* If you're asking. I thought it were meant to be me who asks though. *a little worried he didn't ask first*
*attempting to be casual* If you're asking. I thought it were meant to be me who asks though. *a little worried he didn't ask first*
on October 13, 2014
on August 25, 2014

(OOH a ball......hmm. There can be a servants ball downstairs too.)
Harry:Eh Tom! Yer heard about the ball?
Tom:*turns around at his voice* Ball?
Harry:*catches up with him* The Greystones are hostin' a fancy ball. So I thought, why not get us downstairs folk a little fun too? Tonight, in the kitchens. *winks* Clean yerself up a bit will yer? *walks back to the house to spread the word*
Harry:Eh Tom! Yer heard about the ball?
Tom:*turns around at his voice* Ball?
Harry:*catches up with him* The Greystones are hostin' a fancy ball. So I thought, why not get us downstairs folk a little fun too? Tonight, in the kitchens. *winks* Clean yerself up a bit will yer? *walks back to the house to spread the word*
on August 25, 2014

Bethany: *looking for a new dress since hers was in tatters*
Miranda: *also searching for a dress*
Miranda: *also searching for a dress*

on August 23, 2014

on August 23, 2014

Bethany: *sighs* It was my mother's dress. She taught me everything I know.
Miranda: We only have it for her memories.
Bethany: Then let me remember our dances!
Miranda: We only have it for her memories.
Bethany: Then let me remember our dances!
on August 22, 2014
on August 21, 2014

*after the Greystone ladies finish shopping*
Tom:*leads the horses back to the stables* There we are, least yer got some exercise Bonnie. *pats a chestnut mare as he puts her in her box* Hmm. Promised Homell dinner. *goes back down to the Green Dragon*
Tom:*leads the horses back to the stables* There we are, least yer got some exercise Bonnie. *pats a chestnut mare as he puts her in her box* Hmm. Promised Homell dinner. *goes back down to the Green Dragon*

on August 21, 2014
on August 19, 2014

Tom:*wakes up, rubbing throbbing head ruefully* Ow. *memories come flooding back in a rush of colour* Ugh, never doing that again......
Harry:*chuckles* You might want ter consider that. Stay away from the drink. *smirks*
Tom:*confused* Were you there last night?
Harry:No Tom. *tries to keep a straight face*
Harry:*chuckles* You might want ter consider that. Stay away from the drink. *smirks*
Tom:*confused* Were you there last night?
Harry:No Tom. *tries to keep a straight face*

on August 19, 2014

Will:*realises he needs to get dinner for Ada* See yer around at the Green Dragon sometime then?
on August 19, 2014

on August 19, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Character Form
Name:Bianca Greystone
Occupation:........being rich
Appearance:Light brown hair, blue eyes
Personality:Hates sewing and ladylike things, unlike her sister Priscilla. Impatient and passionate, wants to be a boy.
Family:The Greystones, Priscilla (older sister) Nathaniel (older brother) Adriana (older sister) Mr and Mrs Greystone, See More
Backstory:Grew up sheltered, etc.
Name:Bianca Greystone
Occupation:........being rich
Appearance:Light brown hair, blue eyes
Personality:Hates sewing and ladylike things, unlike her sister Priscilla. Impatient and passionate, wants to be a boy.
Family:The Greystones, Priscilla (older sister) Nathaniel (older brother) Adriana (older sister) Mr and Mrs Greystone, See More
Backstory:Grew up sheltered, etc.

Rich people can be close to God, it's just harder. Not saying they're bad, just their wealth is an obstacle.
on August 18, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Anna:*lighting the fire in the grate, trying not to wake up Adriana*
on August 17, 2014

Character Form
Name: Adriana (Rin) [Insert a last name..]
Age: 18
Occupation: A musician (pianist) and distant relative to royalty..
Appearance:Vibrant blue eyes with dark black hair often down with two prts braided into a ponytail in the middle. Clothing varies. At concerts or most occasions its formal, on her free days its normal much to her parents disapproval
Personality: Rebellious at times, hates being considered better then others just becaue shes talented and rich.
Family: See More Anastasia ( just like the name) and Darren [insert last name]
Backstory: Cant think of one..
Extra: Could she be best friends with Alex? @Roseheart
Name: Adriana (Rin) [Insert a last name..]
Age: 18
Occupation: A musician (pianist) and distant relative to royalty..
Appearance:Vibrant blue eyes with dark black hair often down with two prts braided into a ponytail in the middle. Clothing varies. At concerts or most occasions its formal, on her free days its normal much to her parents disapproval
Personality: Rebellious at times, hates being considered better then others just becaue shes talented and rich.
Family: See More Anastasia ( just like the name) and Darren [insert last name]
Backstory: Cant think of one..
Extra: Could she be best friends with Alex? @Roseheart

Because they believe she should marry someone wealthy early just to secure stuff pr something?..idk
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Tom:*after taking the horses, comes in to the kitchen for a bite to eat*
on August 17, 2014

Everyone who's a servant works for the same family, the Graystones (just to make things easier to interact)

He wouldn't have to be, he could just be aristocracy (inherited old money from his father, as his father did....)
on August 17, 2014

( no not really then I feel like she would have to act stuck up and her dad would have to be a politician to be able to have so many servants)
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Alexandria: *goes back to her house with Elsbeth*

on August 18, 2014

(Mr Graystone chose the Green Dragon because he was drinking there, and is feeling a little drunk, so instead of going to Alex's house and making a scene he decided to tell her to meet him there)
on August 17, 2014

on August 17, 2014

(??? Why is Mr Graystone meeting his future daughter in law at a dingy little pub in a dodgy part of London?)
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Name: Elsbeth Blair (she doesn't know her real name)
Age: 16
Occupation: Maid (looking for service), a bit of a scammer.
Appearance: Long red hair plaits, blue eyes and pale skin.
Personality: Shy, secretive, seductive
Family: Never knew them
Backstory: She was brought up in the Foundling Hospital, but left early because she was so hard-working. She has had many previous jobs, mainly as a nursery maid or playmate for rich girls. See More
Extra: She is actually very beautiful, and many lads try to charm her. She often goes into inns to charm and flirt with them and to sometimes get them to buy her a drink, or give her money.
Simply_Neon_Stories deleted her account, so I'm taking over from her because she's my cousin.
Age: 16
Occupation: Maid (looking for service), a bit of a scammer.
Appearance: Long red hair plaits, blue eyes and pale skin.
Personality: Shy, secretive, seductive
Family: Never knew them
Backstory: She was brought up in the Foundling Hospital, but left early because she was so hard-working. She has had many previous jobs, mainly as a nursery maid or playmate for rich girls. See More
Extra: She is actually very beautiful, and many lads try to charm her. She often goes into inns to charm and flirt with them and to sometimes get them to buy her a drink, or give her money.
Simply_Neon_Stories deleted her account, so I'm taking over from her because she's my cousin.
on August 17, 2014

*at the Green Dragon*
Tom:*ducks through the door, grinning at his father's delighted face* Hello dad. *goes over to the bar to give him a bear hug*
John:Di'n't know you were coming, son! Never breathed a word! *looks him over, noticing the added height*
Tom:It was a spur o' the moment thing, a mate invited me 'ere. *looks around for Homell*
John:Oh, a'right. *a little bemused* Drink? *pulls out a tankard*
Tom:Nah, need to be sober for the horses.
John:*half smiles* Yer serve See More 'em well, Tom. They should be proud o' you.
Tom:*ducks through the door, grinning at his father's delighted face* Hello dad. *goes over to the bar to give him a bear hug*
John:Di'n't know you were coming, son! Never breathed a word! *looks him over, noticing the added height*
Tom:It was a spur o' the moment thing, a mate invited me 'ere. *looks around for Homell*
John:Oh, a'right. *a little bemused* Drink? *pulls out a tankard*
Tom:Nah, need to be sober for the horses.
John:*half smiles* Yer serve See More 'em well, Tom. They should be proud o' you.
on August 15, 2014

Tom:*feeding the horses, calming one down by patting his nose comfortingly*

Tom:*doubts it, but wants to visit his dad again* I'll get Mark to cover for me. *waves a hand* See ya tonight?
on August 15, 2014
on August 15, 2014

Alexandria: *walking around town wearing fairly plain clothes*
on August 15, 2014

Name: Elliot George
Age: 25
Occupation: Looking for employment
Appearance: ...
Personality: Kind, compassionate, but he does get angry on occasion
Family: He has lost contact with them
Backstory: He was a slave in the U.S., was freed and fought for the Union. He then moved to England to escape the new resentment and prejudice towards African Americans. See More
Extra: Very much feels for those who are oppressed.
Age: 25
Occupation: Looking for employment
Appearance: ...
Personality: Kind, compassionate, but he does get angry on occasion
Family: He has lost contact with them
Backstory: He was a slave in the U.S., was freed and fought for the Union. He then moved to England to escape the new resentment and prejudice towards African Americans. See More
Extra: Very much feels for those who are oppressed.
on August 14, 2014
*frowns, trailing off*
Miranda: *talking to Tom so she doesn't notice her sister's subtle entrance*