hmm...u need to make a quiz or something!

EEeeew, that fave looks demented!!! XP
on March 27, 2014

on March 27, 2014

on March 26, 2014
on March 15, 2014

Ravenclaw3243 added a new chapter to Rose's Early Years A Hogwarts

The Plan
"Got that? Good!" Rose recited the procedure to her ingenious idea.
"I really don't think it's worth it, Rose, but if you say so..." Beth sighed. A friend was a friend.
As they packed up, Rose did a time check charm, like the one Tessa had used. Rose's eyes widened. "No, no, no! We are late Beth! Its 10:20, and Astronomy starts at 12:00! Hurry!" she whispered. They slid down they stairs, bumped into walls, and scurried to the Slytherin dungeon. Beth shuddered. "Rose, it smells like rat ... Read Full Chapter
"I really don't think it's worth it, Rose, but if you say so..." Beth sighed. A friend was a friend.
As they packed up, Rose did a time check charm, like the one Tessa had used. Rose's eyes widened. "No, no, no! We are late Beth! Its 10:20, and Astronomy starts at 12:00! Hurry!" she whispered. They slid down they stairs, bumped into walls, and scurried to the Slytherin dungeon. Beth shuddered. "Rose, it smells like rat ... Read Full Chapter
on March 15, 2014

Hi Umm My friend has said your gave her a hard time is that true?(I don't mean to sound rude or mean sorry if I do)

Oh Ok Ya I'll be sure to tell her you see her parents kinda left her in the dark about some stuff So ya
on February 26, 2014

who..Flurry? Oh tell her i am sorry..i didnt mean to be mean i just thought her question was kinda inappropriate and silly
on February 25, 2014
on February 25, 2014

Ravenclaw3243 added a new chapter to Rose's Early Years A Hogwarts

Dinner: Come One, Come All!
It had been a long day for the trio. So, of course, you'd expect them all to be enthusiastic when dinner came.
But, alas, no. During classes, Tessa, did not mention Fynn, when they didn't see him, but at dinner, Tessa would probably leave her friends to talk with Fynn, like she had a t lunch. And Rose got so frustrated, she threw a sandwich at Tessa, that got lettuce in her hair. Then Beth had whacked Rose on her head for hurting Tessa, and it got very...er..INVOLVED.
Soon, Fynn came up to Te... Read Full Chapter
But, alas, no. During classes, Tessa, did not mention Fynn, when they didn't see him, but at dinner, Tessa would probably leave her friends to talk with Fynn, like she had a t lunch. And Rose got so frustrated, she threw a sandwich at Tessa, that got lettuce in her hair. Then Beth had whacked Rose on her head for hurting Tessa, and it got very...er..INVOLVED.
Soon, Fynn came up to Te... Read Full Chapter
on February 23, 2014

Ravenclaw3243 added a new chapter to Rose's Early Years A Hogwarts
Transfiguration and Someone Else
As the friends approached class, they caught the scent of dead rat. Hopefully class didn't involve this!
"Rose, I HATE ou homework!" Tessa complained.
"I know..but, we'll do it together!" Rose offered.
They stepped through the arched doorway, paint peeling, wood rotting. But it still served its purpose. In class Proffesor Verum was stirring a vial of green liquid. It seeped through her wand and around the base of the container. Beth shuddered. They spied a set of 3 seats, all in one row. Beth... Read Full Chapter
"Rose, I HATE ou homework!" Tessa complained.
"I know..but, we'll do it together!" Rose offered.
They stepped through the arched doorway, paint peeling, wood rotting. But it still served its purpose. In class Proffesor Verum was stirring a vial of green liquid. It seeped through her wand and around the base of the container. Beth shuddered. They spied a set of 3 seats, all in one row. Beth... Read Full Chapter
on February 22, 2014

Hey Aureland Nydaho here (private joke)
on February 17, 2014

I finished Hogwarts Karaoke Night!!! Please read it!!!
on February 15, 2014

And thanks to JeweledOwl812 for the theme!
on January 28, 2014

Ravenclaw3243 added a new chapter to Rose's Early Years A Hogwarts

"Hello, hello." Mgounty welcomed impatiently. "Take a seat....why am I here?"
Tessa glanced at Beth who just shrugged.
They took a seat and settled down.
"Turn to page 205!" They flipped their jewel studded books to the third chapter.
Beth raised her hand. "Why are we skipping so many pages?"
Professor Mgounty replied, "Wasn't that what er...what's his name..Severus-"
He was cut short. "-Snape. He was a brave, brave man. He sacrificed himself in the final battle." Rose finished.
She was usual... Read Full Chapter
Tessa glanced at Beth who just shrugged.
They took a seat and settled down.
"Turn to page 205!" They flipped their jewel studded books to the third chapter.
Beth raised her hand. "Why are we skipping so many pages?"
Professor Mgounty replied, "Wasn't that what er...what's his name..Severus-"
He was cut short. "-Snape. He was a brave, brave man. He sacrificed himself in the final battle." Rose finished.
She was usual... Read Full Chapter
on January 27, 2014

GO ARVENCLAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on January 27, 2014

so awesome!
on January 27, 2014

Ravenclaw3243 added a new chapter to Rose's Early Years A Hogwarts

The Early Riser
Tessa got up first, for she was an early riser, and plopped down on a stuffed bean bag. And thought. And thought.
What will I do today? She wondered, more like, what will WE do today.
As she thought, she got carried away and started humming her favorite song by The Weird Sisters, "Miracle."
♪ I thought...and thought..but nothing came to mind..thought, and thou-u-ught. ♪
The good part starts...NOW!
♪ She thought...but I knew...that nothin' could be done! But then...out of NOWHERE! Came a. . ... Read Full Chapter
What will I do today? She wondered, more like, what will WE do today.
As she thought, she got carried away and started humming her favorite song by The Weird Sisters, "Miracle."
♪ I thought...and thought..but nothing came to mind..thought, and thou-u-ught. ♪
The good part starts...NOW!
♪ She thought...but I knew...that nothin' could be done! But then...out of NOWHERE! Came a. . ... Read Full Chapter
on January 25, 2014

Ravenclaw3243 asked a question

What do you think is the best vacation? Maybe, a cruise to France, a road trip across t...
on January 20, 2014