Are we alike? (2) Take this quiz to find out how similar we are!!! It is pretty hard to pass! Ravenclaw3243 published on March 20, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Fast food? Yum! *Slurps a soda and munches on burger* Eeeew NO, save me!!! 2/7 Fave color (Out of the following) Green Pink Blue Purple 3/7 Alright! One down! Kay, sushi? Ga der! Of course! Eeeew? 4/7 Are you tall or short for your age group? Short Tall Eh, average 5/7 Kay, let's see....ooooh: Dogs, or cats? Dogs Cats 6/7 Do you watch TV alot? Yes, I <3 TV!!! WootWoot! (I could go on about my fave shows but you know...) *Acts confuzzled* TV, 7/7 Apple or Android? Android! Apple! Doesn't...matter...