The Early Riser

What will I do today? She wondered, more like, what will WE do today.
As she thought, she got carried away and started humming her favorite song by The Weird Sisters, "Miracle."
♪ I thought...and thought..but nothing came to mind..thought, and thou-u-ught. ♪
The good part starts...NOW!
♪ She thought...but I knew...that nothin' could be done! But then...out of NOWHERE! Came a. . . . . . . .
Tessa smiled. What a great song. She did a simple time check charm.
"Oh, no, no!" It was 9:00 and breakfast had started without her. She had to wake up the rest!
She scurried to Rose's bed, but she was no where to be seen.
In her spot lay a note:
Beth and I have went down for breakfast. Since we figured you we probably asleep, we decided to let you sleep. And right now it is 8:30. See ya!
-Rose and Beth'
Tessa hurriedly scampered out the Ravenclaw common room and toward the Great Hall.
At breakfast, she learned about their schedule for their quadmester:
8:45 Breakfast
9:45 Potions
11:00 Transfiguration
12:30 Lunch Break
1:00 Charms
2:30 Herbology
4:00 DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts)
5:30 Flying
7:00 History of Magic (By this time most kids were falling asleep.)
8:00 Dinner
9:00 Curfew (1)
12:00 Astronomy
1:00 Curfew (2)
"What a day!" Rose walked with her friends to Potions.
"Yes, I know! But I'm not sure we will get enough rest each night!" Beth said
"When do we do homework, then?" Rose asked.
Tessa was quick to answer this one. "First at Lunch Break, then at dinner, and if we don't finish, we can work on it at breakfast, before classes start."
"True.... Ravenclaws shouldn't have to do catch-up work at breakfast!" Beth teased.
"True..." Rose murmured.
They arrived at Potions.
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