Quizawayhp asked a question

If Hermione is so smart, why is she in Griffindor? Hermione should be in Ravenclaw.
on January 20, 2016

Quizawayhp asked a question

Can muggles do magic? (See Description) In the first Harry Potter book, Professor Dumbl...
on January 20, 2016

Shouldn't Hermione be in Ravenclaw?
on January 17, 2016

I made a quiz on which Hogwarts house I'm in and I got Ravenclaw! LOVE RAVENCLAW!
on January 17, 2016

Me and my bro both got Griffindor!
on January 17, 2016

(I am a beta wolf) *Finds deer carcass and eats it so nobody knows*
on January 17, 2016