If Hermione is so smart, why is she in Griffindor? Hermione should be in Ravenclaw.
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Hermione is smart but she is also brave.. The sorting hat did consider putting her in ravenclaw but I guess her bravery or future swayed the sorting
on January 05, 2020
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Hm.. Maybe (I'm not sure) Hermione IS clever, but she learns all by the book. Ravenclaws have a brain that's ready to reason. Also, she is extremely brave. The only thing that disqualifies her for Ravenclaw is her lack of quick reasoning.
on May 09, 2017
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Also, she is stupidly brave, or bravely stupid. She is also stubborn, and willful. Pretty prideful as well. Therefore Gryffindor.

She's also supposed to be someone outside of stereotypes, thus the bullying in first year before she became friends with ""The-Boy-Who-Lived".
on December 22, 2016
on December 22, 2016
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Now, I may be saying this because I have a fanfic obsession, but in my opinion, it is either one of two reasons:
1.) Dumbles is a manipulative and evil old fart who knew from the start that Hermione would be a good pawn with much potential, and thus forced the Sorting Hat to sort her into Gryffindor with a Confundus. I mean, it's even said in Goblet of Fire that if you have powerful (or dark) enough spells and magic, you can change even the oldest and most powerful magical artifacts. See More And since in my theory, Dumbles is evil, I'd say that gives him pretty dark magic already, plus adding on that he's so powerful he trumps Voldies even at about two times his age. And Voldies is over 50 years old canonically!
2.) Because JK Rowling is a shit author with no originality that stole something from English authors in general, and made the entire already existing magical boarding school genre hers, and her mediocrity made her have no viable reason for Hermione to go into Gryffindor besides the fact that she needed it for the plot, and thus covered it up with a bullshit, poorly explained reason.
(These are my own opinions. Also, I may hate -absolutely LOATHE- JK Rowling, but I DO hold appreciation for her series and it's large fanbase. I am also what could be considered a bit of a Potterhead, I just don't think this work of art should have come from an amateur with incredible fucķing luck, or someone who would ruin an entire genre for British authors. Now, they can't write anything remotely similar without someone telling them they're ripping off Harry Potter.)
1.) Dumbles is a manipulative and evil old fart who knew from the start that Hermione would be a good pawn with much potential, and thus forced the Sorting Hat to sort her into Gryffindor with a Confundus. I mean, it's even said in Goblet of Fire that if you have powerful (or dark) enough spells and magic, you can change even the oldest and most powerful magical artifacts. See More And since in my theory, Dumbles is evil, I'd say that gives him pretty dark magic already, plus adding on that he's so powerful he trumps Voldies even at about two times his age. And Voldies is over 50 years old canonically!
2.) Because JK Rowling is a shit author with no originality that stole something from English authors in general, and made the entire already existing magical boarding school genre hers, and her mediocrity made her have no viable reason for Hermione to go into Gryffindor besides the fact that she needed it for the plot, and thus covered it up with a bullshit, poorly explained reason.
(These are my own opinions. Also, I may hate -absolutely LOATHE- JK Rowling, but I DO hold appreciation for her series and it's large fanbase. I am also what could be considered a bit of a Potterhead, I just don't think this work of art should have come from an amateur with incredible fucķing luck, or someone who would ruin an entire genre for British authors. Now, they can't write anything remotely similar without someone telling them they're ripping off Harry Potter.)

I just looked back on my answer, saw my second bit/theory, and thought, "I can almost smell the salt in that...."
on January 17, 2017
on December 22, 2016
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The sorting hat originally thought about putting her in Ravenclaw but her courage overcame her intelligence and she got put in Gryffindor!
on April 10, 2016
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She is all of them!!!
She is courageous- Gryffindor.
She is loyal to Dumbledor- Hufflepuff.
She is tricky- Slytherin (take note that not all slytherins are evil)
She is smart- Ravenclaw.
She is courageous- Gryffindor.
She is loyal to Dumbledor- Hufflepuff.
She is tricky- Slytherin (take note that not all slytherins are evil)
She is smart- Ravenclaw.
on January 20, 2016
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She's more courageous than she may be, and her smarts make her more courageous in this case.
on January 20, 2016