I'm having one of those weeks where
I really want to play Hide and Seek.
By myself.
And be the one
who goes hide.
And just run.
... See More
Never looking back.
Never being sought out.
Maybe that wouldn't be playing.
Maybe that is living.
I really want to play Hide and Seek.
By myself.
And be the one
who goes hide.
And just run.
... See More
Never looking back.
Never being sought out.
Maybe that wouldn't be playing.
Maybe that is living.

on April 17, 2013

:) Yerrrr
on April 17, 2013

Maybe I will be the one hiding. And seeking. Maybe I will find myself ;) And I feel it usually... I've had that mopey depressed mood lately. Ah well. This poem thingy-doo is the best way I can describe it.
on April 16, 2013

That's nice. I know that feeling. Everyday.
on April 16, 2013
on April 15, 2013

"I'm gonna pick up the pieces,
and build a Lego House.
If things go wrong,
we can knock it down...
I'm gonna paint you by number,
and color you in.
If things go right, See More
we can frame it and
put you on a wall...
And it's so hard to say it,
but I've been here before.
Now I'll surrender up my heart
and swap it for yours."
~Lego House, Ed Sheeran~
... I am a Sheerio ...
and build a Lego House.
If things go wrong,
we can knock it down...
I'm gonna paint you by number,
and color you in.
If things go right, See More
we can frame it and
put you on a wall...
And it's so hard to say it,
but I've been here before.
Now I'll surrender up my heart
and swap it for yours."
~Lego House, Ed Sheeran~
... I am a Sheerio ...
on April 15, 2013

on April 12, 2013

I love role playing :3

:P Hunger Games and Harry Potter role plays. Look up 'Harry Potter RolePlay Page' and me and Sydvicious had a great RP going ;)
on April 11, 2013

I don't know what any of those things are. I guess we just start random and figure out whwt we're doing as we go.
on April 11, 2013
on April 10, 2013

I think i figured out how to do a picture like my profile picture ^.^
on April 10, 2013

How is Everybody? Or Somebody? Or Nobody? ;) I don't care who or what you are, just how are you?
on April 10, 2013

Ed Sheeran The A Team Official Music Video OUT NOW! youtube original
FR Connexion Ajouter une vidéo Rechercher Fermer Nous avons défini la langue que vous préférez Voici votre langue préférée : Français. Vous pouvez modifier ce paramètre ci-dessous. We've set your language preference to French. You can update this preference below. Learn more View this message in English Guide nouveauté Populaire sur YouTube Musique Sport Jeux vidéo et autres Films Émissions TV Aucune chaîne trouvée. Chargement des abonnements en cours… Des chaînes pour vous ligue1fr taratata RBS6Nations StudioBagel SkyrockFM Aucune chaîne trouvée. Chargement des abonnements en cours… Parcourir les chaînes Connectez-vous pour ajouter des chaînes à votre guide et bénéficier d'excellentes recommandations ! Connexion › Ed Sheeran The A Team Official Music Video

It's beautiful! My best guy friend thinks there is something wrong with me for liking such a depressing song, but i think it is beautiful.
on April 10, 2013
on April 10, 2013

Nobody.07 added a new chapter to SHORT Remake of the Hunger Games!!
I stretch out and throw the bag with my canteen and blanket in it. I keep the straw and darts in my pocket and compass in hand. I take off at a jog heading away from where the tributes from earlier went. I turn so that I think I'm heading back to the Cornucopia. I jog for forever it seems, but I suddenly freeze, leaping behind a tree as I hear a loud yelling.
"Stop!" a girl screams.
"You have to clean it, it'll get infected.!" A boy yells back.
"It hurts!" This girl yells out.
... Read Full Chapter
"Stop!" a girl screams.
"You have to clean it, it'll get infected.!" A boy yells back.
"It hurts!" This girl yells out.
... Read Full Chapter
on April 05, 2013


i shouldn't have school -.- we had a late start and almost a blizzard. and its almost May. What the heck!?! :P Most other schools got out, but NOPE our school has to be troopers and march through it.
on April 18, 2013

on April 18, 2013

Yeah, I was in Qatar in a British school and it worked like that. KK, I have to go for dinner!
on April 18, 2013
on April 05, 2013

Thanks everyone who has recently followed me! I usually name the individuals, but there've been a ton since my last time on qfeast, so you know who you are- THANKS!! ^.^
on April 05, 2013

101 followers! Thank you XxTheAngelOfHopexX and SilentHopeFan ;)
on April 01, 2013