McDermottsAngel - Page 41

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Mika just said something really great on the radio. He said that he hates the term 'guilty pleasure', because he thinks that everyone should be able to listen to whatever they want without feeling embarrassed or being judged for it. He also said that there is no such thing as an embarrassing song to listen to, and he said that if it makes you feel happy, then you should listen to the music that you like and not care about what other people think.

This just made me love him so See More
on January 01, 2016
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I'm listening to The Art of Song right now, and it's amazing. ??
on January 01, 2016
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I just watched Mika's New Year's video, and it was really cute. He's in America at the moment, and he's not over here because he's already recorded The Art of Song. In the video, he says 'happy new year' to his fans, and then he tells his brother and sister to say it as well. ?

And he said in the video that he was making the video on Instagram because he didn't know how to make videos on Snapchat, and on his Snapchat there's a picture and a video of him attempting to make a New See More

Hmm, maybe.
on January 01, 2016
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No, he didn't say. :/
on January 01, 2016
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on January 01, 2016
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I just found a post I made on New Year's Day last year, and I was talking about how I had 844 followers and how much I appreciate you all. ?

I have nearly 1800 followers now. That means that in the last year, I've gained almost a thousand more followers. ?

Thank you so much, guys! ??
on January 01, 2016
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Happy New Year, guys!!! I hope 2016 is a good year for all of us, and I hope we'll all do great things this year. ???

Oh, haha. ?
on January 01, 2016
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on January 01, 2016
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Interviewer: *says anything*
Mika: Yeah, it's because I'm half Lebanese.
on December 31, 2015
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Tomorrow is Mika's The Art of Song show on BBC Radio 2. ???
on December 31, 2015
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I'm still really disappointed that Talk About You wasn't the Grace Kelly of No Place in Heaven, to be honest. I really wanted it to be a hit, and I think that if Mika was a bit better at promoting his music, it could have been. Or maybe the song just doesn't fit in with today's pop music enough to become popular, I don't know. :/
Seriously? That sucks, it's a really good song...
on December 30, 2015
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Yeah, I know. It's played on the radio all the time over here too. But it's not a hit. It's not at the top of the charts or being played everywhere like Grace Kelly was. And hardly anyone knows about it because nobody listens to the radio nowadays. I've only heard it about 5 times.
on December 29, 2015
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It's actually rated pretty high from NRJ and it played a few times on the radio. Perhaps it's just not super, super popular just moderately.
on December 29, 2015
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on December 29, 2015
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5 days until The Art of Song. It sounds beautiful so far. ?
Mika - The Art Of Song | Coming New Years Day!
Mika - The Art Of Song | Coming New Years Day!
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on December 28, 2015
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MIKA - Talk About You (live bij Q)
MIKA - Talk About You (live bij Q)
Elke maandag komt een artiest een eigen nummer brengen én een cover naar keuze. MIKA bracht vanochtend een Music Monday-cover en zijn eigen single Talk About...
on December 28, 2015
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It honestly makes me feel so sad when I see kids who are about 9-12 years old posting pictures of their self harm scars on the internet. At that age, you're supposed to be happy. You're supposed to be playing outside with your friends and enjoying your childhood, not suffering from depression and wanting to die. And the fact that kids this young self harm just proves that there is so much wrong with the world. :/
on December 28, 2015
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It bothers me how so many people in the Mika fandom make fun of him for how he dances and what clothes he wears.

He can do whatever he wants, and he doesn't have to change just because some people don't like what he does. And it's not even like he does anything that affects people or could be considered offensive. People in the fandom just keep making fun of him for wearing strange outfits and getting really into songs when he's performing them. Even if they might not agree with See More
on December 27, 2015
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I got U Sing 2 for Christmas, and I told my parents I wanted it because I need Wii games. But I just wanted it because it has Mika on the front and We Are Golden is one of the songs. ?
on December 26, 2015
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Everyone in the Mika fandom is getting concert tickets and Mika albums for Christmas, and it's just reminding me of how much of a bad fan I am. I feel really bad about getting upset about this because I should be grateful for what I have and be happy for the people getting Mika things, but I just can't.

This is why I'm a horrible person. :/

I never heard about that. . .That's just horrible and disgusting, and this is why the Italian fans don't deserve all the attention they get from Mika. And I think that's a bit ungrateful, they should be grateful that they're even going to see him at all. And thanks. . .
on December 26, 2015
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I guess. :/
on December 26, 2015
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There's a difference between better fan and more able fan
on December 26, 2015
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I feel like everyone else is better than me, though, because they have more things.
on December 26, 2015
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But you have nothing to feel bad for
on December 26, 2015
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on December 26, 2015
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Merry Christmas, guys! ????⛄❄

Ah, cool. ☺
on December 25, 2015
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I got quite a lot of things, actually. And I even got the second U Sing game, which I told my mum I wanted because I needed new Wii games, but I actually wanted it because it has Mika on the front of it and We Are Golden is one of the songs you can sing. That's probably the closest I'll ever get to owning a Mika album. ?
on December 25, 2015
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Merry Christmas! And cool, I'm happy for you! ?
on December 25, 2015
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on December 25, 2015
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Me: *packs bags*
Mum: Where are you going?
Me: To Rio.
Mum: Rio? Why?
Me: . . .I'm getting lost to find an alter ego.
on December 25, 2015
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So apparently Mika was just on the lunchtime news, and I missed it.

I'm annoyed, because he didn't even tweet about being on the news, he just said that he would be doing a livestream. Now I've missed it, and I feel like a bad fan. :/

Yeah. :/
on December 23, 2015
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I woke up at 9am to watch it, but I didn't watch it until ages after because I thought it was an actual news programme and not just a livestream. :/
on December 23, 2015
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I guess. :/
on December 22, 2015
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Missing a livestream doesn't make you a bad fan.
on December 22, 2015
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on December 22, 2015
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I just watched the livestream, and the fact that Mika is doing all of this for the refugees just shows what a genuine and kind person he is. He doesn't have to do this, but he's doing it because he wants to help out and he cares. This is why he is my idol, and I wish I could be as nice of a person as him. ❤

Mm hm.
on December 23, 2015
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Some random user who claims to have killed themselves and 'been reborn to come back and haunt Qfeast'. Yeah, right. :/
on December 23, 2015
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on December 22, 2015
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It turns out that Mika wasn't even going to be on the news, and it was just a Facebook livestream with BBC News. :/
on December 22, 2015
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I just realised that Heaven by Troye Sivan has the exact same storyline and meaning as No Place in Heaven. ?
on December 22, 2015
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