McDermottsAngel - Page 10

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More
Today was okay, but there was more drama with Rebel Girl in History.

She lay down across two chairs and wouldn't move or do her work, and when the teacher asked her to start working, she yelled at her and kept telling her to shut up. Then she started screaming at the teacher, and she said she was going to leave. The teacher just said, "Okay, good afternoon." and ignored her, and then Rebel Girl literally called the teacher a 'rat' before leaving the classroom to smoke.

When See More
on October 03, 2016
About Author
Axl Heck Is My Spirit Animal (for The Middle fans) | | SKREENED
Axl Heck Is My Spirit Animal (for The Middle fans) | | SKREENED
Axl Heck Is My Spirit Animal (for The Middle fans) Axl Heck is my spirit animal. Super funny Axl Heck t-shirt for The Middle and Charlie McDermott fans. Also available in other styles and colors. Perfect for gifts or for you. Printed on Skreened Long Sleeve
on October 02, 2016
About Author
I published it! I hope you guys like it. ??
on October 01, 2016
About Author
on October 01, 2016
About Author
I'm making a new project book. ?
on October 01, 2016
About Author
added a new chapter to My Book of Rants
The 'When People Make Fun Of Serious Things' Rant
Okay, so this is something that makes me quite angry. Every day, on the internet and at school, all I hear is people making fun of serious things. It's just disgusting, and it seems like I'm the only person who doesn't do it. Everyone constantly makes jokes about things that hurt a lot of people, and nobody at all ever mentions that it's wrong.

So that's why I'm writing this rant. To let people know that the things they are saying are not right. Because I'm not even sure if the people that s...
on September 30, 2016
About Author
Today was okay. ?
on September 30, 2016
About Author
Something good about my username change is that TheDoctorsQueen doesn't know my new username, and I blocked her on the social media that she uses so that she can't find me. She'll probably end up finding it out at some point, but at least I'm safe for now.
on September 30, 2016
About Author
I really like my new username. ??

I guess, haha.
on September 30, 2016
About Author
Looks like 2016 is a year for difference. XD
on September 30, 2016
About Author

Yeah, I think I just changed my username to MikasPrincess at around that time. And I've been here since September 2013, but I had other accounts before this one.
on September 29, 2016
About Author
Wow, that's a lot. We hadn't met yet when you were any of those. I joined in December 2014.
on September 29, 2016
About Author

I've had a lot of usernames before that. I was RainbowDashMage, and then I was Nonpareil, and then MikasPrincess. But I don't think I knew you then.
on September 29, 2016
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There are 3 more comments. Show
on September 29, 2016
About Author
I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was MikasPrincess
on September 29, 2016
About Author
Today was okay, but at lunch one of Eminem Boy's friends came and sat on my table, and he kept asking me why I didn't talk.
on September 29, 2016
About Author
On Set with the Prankster Siblings of THE MIDDLE (Part 3 of 3)
On Set with the Prankster Siblings of THE MIDDLE (Part 3 of 3)
On the set of ABC's "The Middle", Young Hollywood sits down with on-screen brother and sister duo, Charlie McDermott and Eden Sher, who are just as charming ...
on September 29, 2016
About Author
I updated my About Me. ?
on September 28, 2016
About Author
uploaded a photo
McDermottsAngel's Photo 0
on September 28, 2016
About Author
Guys, I have a confession to make.
- See More

I guess so. . .
on September 28, 2016
About Author
on September 28, 2016
About Author
Today was okay, but in Maths, I did more work than anyone else, and TheDoctorsQueen told me that I shouldn't try hard at school, because I would get bullied for it. But if they did that, it's the bullies' problem, not mine, and I shouldn't have to stop doing something that will help me in the future just because other people don't like it. And at least I'm trying to achieve things in life, unlike TheDoctorsQueen.
on September 28, 2016
About Author
on September 28, 2016
About Author
I published all of the chapters of Priceless on W attpad. ?
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 25 - Wattpad
Priceless (A MIKA Fanfic) - Chapter 25 - Wattpad
Victoria has always been an outcast. Nobody has ever wanted to be friends with her, because she doesn't talk. That is, until a boy named Mica Penniman starts a...
on September 28, 2016
About Author
Something really disgusting happened at school today in my History lesson. It was just ridiculous, so I'm going to tell you guys about it.

In my History class, we have a new girl (Let's call her Rebel Girl) and she just behaves so badly that it's just unbelievable. Apparently she was supposed to join the school last year, but she truanted every single day of the school year apart from two days. The school has only just found her, and it seems like they're making her go to school See More

Everyone at my school is like that. :/
on September 29, 2016
About Author
That is just way to far...I feel bad for you..
on September 29, 2016
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Most of the people at my school are like that, so none of them ever get expelled because it's seen as normal.
on September 28, 2016
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A lot of people at my school are like this. And yeah, people like that should know that they're ruining their chances of a good future.
on September 27, 2016
About Author
Oh wow...we've never had a student like that at our school. I hope she knows that she's ruining her life.
on September 27, 2016
About Author
on September 27, 2016
About Author
When I was at SkyDoesMinecraft Girl's house after school today, we were watching TV, and as she was scrolling through the TV guide, it said that The Middle was on. I fangirled, but I didn't ask to watch it, because her mum was in the room, and I didn't really want to be telling her what to watch in her own house. I kind of wished I could have watched it, though.
on September 27, 2016
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