McDermottsAngel - Page 9

Hi. I'm McDermottsAngel, the candy princess.

Some things about me:
- My main idol is Charlie McDermott, and he is just literal perfection. I also absolutely love his show The Middle, See More▼
I published it on here too. ?
on October 07, 2016
created a story
The Happiness Project (An Axl Heck Fanfic)
Axl. One of the most, if not the most, popular person in his school. Loved by everyone, and good at everything. Plays football, and is an aspiring athlete. Victoria. One of the most unpopular people in the school, and unable t...
88 reads 23 readers 1
on October 07, 2016
The Happiness Project just reached 100 reads on W attpad! ?

Wow, I actually didn't expect it to get any. And it only has two chapters as well.
on October 07, 2016
Do you ever just feel like you want to hug your idol so much that it almost physically hurts, but you know that you can't?
on October 06, 2016
Charlie McDermott looks really nice in suits. ?
on October 06, 2016
And now SkyDoesMinecraft Girl has just told me that TheDoctorsQueen has shown HeyHoHereWeGo my wall and told him my new username. It just keeps getting worse.

I actually hate these people. Why can't they just leave me alone? I want to start again and get rid of everyone that hurts me, but I can't do that when they're practically stalking me on my social media, even when I've blocked them. :/

I guess that's true. . .
on October 06, 2016
Excuse me for my late awnsered..
But they need a life and have nothing better to do than make others feel bad about themselves so they feel good about themselves. They want too look in the mirror and say they're better than everyone when really they need to look in the mirror and say they need a life.
on October 06, 2016
on October 06, 2016
Wait, I know how she found me. On the account that I saved the username MikasPrincess on, I left a message in the bio saying that I had changed my username to McDermottsAngel on this account.

I did that because I really didn't expect her to come back to Qfeast. Now she's found out my new username, and she's going to see all my posts.

I guess I'll just have to change my username again in March, even though I really like this name. :/
on October 06, 2016
How on earth did she actually find out my new username, though? I blocked her on all of my social media, and I changed my username on every website I could. So it would take a lot to find out my new account name.

Yeah, but you have to find the user first to do that. And I'm the only person she would really talk to on here, because she doesn't know anyone else, so she probably didn't go on other people's walls and find my comments.
on October 06, 2016
on October 06, 2016
Her account is inoahghostboy, if you guys wanted to know. :/

I hope so. . .
on October 07, 2016

Because that's the username she uses for all of her social media, her bio has her internet name in it, there's a picture of her in her profile picture, and SkyDoesMinecraft Girl also told me that she made a new Qfeast. And I was the only person she followed until I blocked her.
on October 07, 2016
on October 06, 2016
Guys, I'm scared. TheDoctorsQueen just made a new Qfeast account and followed me. I blocked her, so she won't be able to see my posts about her, but I'm still worried.

I really didn't want her to find me. One of the reasons why I changed my username was so she wouldn't find out everything about me again. I wanted to start again as a happy person, with a new idol and a new username. But now she's involved, she's just going to mess everything up and ruin my life again. :/
on October 06, 2016
3+ likes for:

1: What are you wearing?: A shirt with a horse and unicorn emoji that says 'You, me' on it, a black and white checked shirt, black leggings and ice cream socks.

2: Ever been in love?: No.

3: Ever had a terrible breakup?: I've never dated anyone, because I don't believe I'm old enough. So no.

4: How tall are you?: I don't actually know. I know I'm over 5"0, though.

5: How much do you weigh?: I don't know that either.

6: Any tattoos?: No. I don't know if I'll See More▼
on October 06, 2016
I managed to watch half of an episode of The Middle today, because I'm off school, and at the end of it, there was an advert that said Comedy Central would be showing all eight seasons of it. ???

I probably won't be able to watch them all, because of school and everything, but I might be able to see most of it. ??
on October 06, 2016
Today Season 1 of The Middle was on TV, so I tried to watch an episode before school. It was one with Charlie McDermott when he was 18, and I wanted to know what he looked like then. I managed to watch ten minutes of it, but then I had to go to school, and I didn't want to stop watching it, because 18 year old Charlie was really cute. I hope I can watch it again later in the week, when I don't have school.
on October 05, 2016
And I'm off school now for four days, because my school has two inset days, tomorrow and on Friday. And then it's the weekend, so I kind of have a small holiday. ?
on October 05, 2016
Today was okay, again. ?

Yeah. And not very much has happened recently.
on October 05, 2016
That's good ^_^
(Meanwhile, I'm trying to find anything to do from being stuck here sick in my house, even though I feel ok.)
Anything eventful?
on October 05, 2016
on October 05, 2016
I'm so excited for Sara Barnard's new book, A Quiet Kind Of Thunder. It's a book about a girl that can't talk at school, and I'm so happy that someone has actually written a book about someone like me. There's books about people with things like depression and anxiety, but I've never seen a book about someone that can't speak at school. I've always wanted there to be one, but nobody has ever written one. Until now.

I read the preview of the book at the end of her last book, Beautiful See More▼
on October 04, 2016
Echosmith just noticed me. ???

They tweeted a video of Sydney Sierota in a shop with Cool Kids playing on the shop's stereo, and they captioned it, "When Cool Kids plays while you're out shopping." I quoted it saying, "This is me when it plays in shops." and they liked the tweet. ???
on October 04, 2016
Today was okay. ?
on October 04, 2016
Holly Bourne just liked my tweet. ??
on October 03, 2016
3+ likes
-Hair color? It's naturally brown, but it's dyed ombre, with blonde fading to brown.
-Eye color? Brown.
-Have you ever cosplayed? No.
-Do you play any instruments? No, but I kind of wish I did.
If you could be anywhere in the world, where? Probably in London.
-To-Do List: I don't really have anything that I need to do right now. See More▼
on October 03, 2016