on April 01, 2016

Finished my first story, second one is coming out soon. Hope you enjoy Love ya'll
on March 25, 2016

MCGAMR added a new chapter to Apartment B79
Henry and I took the time to notice that our “new” house was ready, but he was thinking of adding like 10 more tables (not literally). Either way I put some sense into him not to. It took a cookie, milk and a 1 minuet talk from my dead sister. Yes, I am aware that I said dead sister, but you get used to it, I am still mad at her for not telling me that she died. That makes no sense.
Yesterday, Anita and I went to the market but she was invisible, she is a great pickpocket for the fact no one... Read Full Chapter
Yesterday, Anita and I went to the market but she was invisible, she is a great pickpocket for the fact no one... Read Full Chapter
on March 25, 2016

MCGAMR added a new chapter to Apartment B79
-No Lives-
I ran, thats all I could do was run, yet she was the only person I thought about my whole life and I can’t even hug her. The first thing I think that you should do when you see someone you love is hug them and show how much you love them…But no, I can’t. “Hey, wait up!” Henry yelled after me, I didn’t stop. I wanted to but at the same time I didn’t “Leave me alone Henry!” I yelled, I was upset I just wanted time to think and gather what is happening. Once I saw the grave that Henry made for m...
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on March 25, 2016

MCGAMR added a new chapter to Apartment B79
Henry’s finger shaking in fear, he was pointing my apartment window, the little girl was smiling and staring at us, I have never been this scared my entire life. I scream and I run to the window and close the curtains, Henry grabs my hand and we both run downstairs and out of the building and jump into his car. 20 minuets and still driving and I have no idea where Henry is taking us. “Henry it’s been 20 minuets, where are we going?” I asked, “We are going somewhere safe” I notice that he isn’...
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on March 25, 2016

I am so alone on my page....sad face
on December 09, 2015

MCGAMR added a new chapter to Apartment B79
Apartment B79 Ch3
. . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 3 —Planning Gone Wrong—
The sun shrank down past our sights and it was finally night, so as we took some time to gather up our tools, Henry took the liberty of talking a night shift in the hallways for a cover. When it was finally 12:00pm I met Henry downstairs and I gave him his supplies in a black duffel bag, the duffel bag was Henry’s idea, to me I think it looks like we were gonna become robbers or something close to that. “Okay Henry, you ready to steal ... Read Full Chapter
The sun shrank down past our sights and it was finally night, so as we took some time to gather up our tools, Henry took the liberty of talking a night shift in the hallways for a cover. When it was finally 12:00pm I met Henry downstairs and I gave him his supplies in a black duffel bag, the duffel bag was Henry’s idea, to me I think it looks like we were gonna become robbers or something close to that. “Okay Henry, you ready to steal ... Read Full Chapter
on December 08, 2015

Hey im back my friends....hello....*no friends* JK!
on December 08, 2015

MCGAMR added a new chapter to Apartment B79
Apartment B79 Ch2
. . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 2 —The Building—
I have been starting to be noticed in the newspaper lately, mostly cause of my stories, when I first got my job the problems still haven’t accord in my Apartment room yet. The next week for a new story in the newspaper was harder for me to find, I needed to find something that hasn’t been mentioned yet, the description for a story is to find something in the thriller section. The due date of my story was in two weeks, it’s been at least two ... Read Full Chapter
I have been starting to be noticed in the newspaper lately, mostly cause of my stories, when I first got my job the problems still haven’t accord in my Apartment room yet. The next week for a new story in the newspaper was harder for me to find, I needed to find something that hasn’t been mentioned yet, the description for a story is to find something in the thriller section. The due date of my story was in two weeks, it’s been at least two ... Read Full Chapter
on November 18, 2015