I hope u guys like my idea and I've been working Soo hard on the backrounds for the characters in the story and the main character, please please please give some support and maybe put some ideas in the comments if u have and idea for a event that happens and it might be in there
Thanks guys and please help share comment and subscribe
Thanks guys and please help share comment and subscribe
on April 03, 2015

Yay we got peeps
on April 01, 2015

Now People I'm leaving to rest and get the pains out o' my boday
on March 28, 2015

So when i first got in to a game Minecraft i didn't know exactly what to do, its kinda like your first day of school except more confusing with extra controls. We'll I noticed that there is now in 1,8,3 more stuff *ever since Mojang bought Minecraft the updates are worse* NOT!
if you guys are a Minecraft fan or somewhat please like this post id love to hear more from them fans of MC out there! THANKS!
Also fighting mobs is not that easy on "The First Day" (right now my body is See More sore as crap right now) its like hitting a monkey on a sugar high that explodes in your face!
like dat, more peeps can't get ahold of therm selvs, this story I'm wighting is getting off track but who cares!
For me right now its about 8:47pm LORD SAVE ME *im sorta catholic* (Spelling)
Some people need to understand IM DYING RIGHT NOW!
God in heavin Wake me UP!!!
This was my short story please comment TANKS!!
if you guys are a Minecraft fan or somewhat please like this post id love to hear more from them fans of MC out there! THANKS!
Also fighting mobs is not that easy on "The First Day" (right now my body is See More sore as crap right now) its like hitting a monkey on a sugar high that explodes in your face!
like dat, more peeps can't get ahold of therm selvs, this story I'm wighting is getting off track but who cares!
For me right now its about 8:47pm LORD SAVE ME *im sorta catholic* (Spelling)
Some people need to understand IM DYING RIGHT NOW!
God in heavin Wake me UP!!!
This was my short story please comment TANKS!!
on March 28, 2015

Okay we can start Role Play if we first get more peeps to join and, at possibly 1:00pm tomorrow i mean the afternoon by way
on March 28, 2015

on March 28, 2015

My character Name:Kiki WeatherMill
Age: 18 L
ooks: profile Pic
Personality: kind, equal, cute, lonely, friendly, very shy, and VERY creative
Likes: kind peeps, my job, nice peeps, ect...
Dislikes: mean peeps, bullies, jerks
Age: 18 L
ooks: profile Pic
Personality: kind, equal, cute, lonely, friendly, very shy, and VERY creative
Likes: kind peeps, my job, nice peeps, ect...
Dislikes: mean peeps, bullies, jerks
on March 27, 2015