Lightstriker195 added a photo to the starred list
I think I chocked cause now I'm dying of laughter

on January 16, 2016

(Started from @Ben5389 )
It's 2016 so if you...
Hate me: Unfollow me and block me
Think i'm a good friend: comment Saying "You are"
Ever had a crush on me PM me saying:" I did "( I wont tell )
Still have a crush on me Pm me saying:" O/////O "( I won't tell )
If you wanna date me Pm me saying:" Wanna date "( I won't tell ) See More
Copy if you're brave.
It's 2016 so if you...
Hate me: Unfollow me and block me
Think i'm a good friend: comment Saying "You are"
Ever had a crush on me PM me saying:" I did "( I wont tell )
Still have a crush on me Pm me saying:" O/////O "( I won't tell )
If you wanna date me Pm me saying:" Wanna date "( I won't tell ) See More
Copy if you're brave.

NP! :D
on January 16, 2016

Thank you :D
on January 16, 2016

You are
on January 16, 2016
on January 16, 2016

im typing my webcomic, does anyone want me to post what ive got so far or wait till its done?
on January 16, 2016

Accidentally clicked the next song button whilst on shuffle, monster (skillet) is playing, no regrets
on January 15, 2016

Does anyone remember when people still existed and everyone was alive? Sorry, really bored
on January 15, 2016

Lightstriker195 uploaded a photo
Well, i got the first chapter and prologue in progress, i didnt feel like scrolling for the prologue

on January 15, 2016

on January 14, 2016

Well, I went to google and tried to get a temmie sprite for pixel art, whilst going through the photos. I learned that the internet is worse than I though, I highly advise against searching for temmie

on January 14, 2016
on January 14, 2016

OK, now you need to set your profile picture and talk to people, there are a lot of interesting people on this site. A lot of people are in fandoms, so if you follow people with certain fandoms your are more likely to receive posts about that fandom in your news feed. Any questions?
on January 14, 2016

/ \
This is Bob. Copy and paste to take him on a tour around Qfeast.
/ \
This is Bob. Copy and paste to take him on a tour around Qfeast.
on January 14, 2016

I'm bored
I'm bored
on January 14, 2016