When you realize that @ can summon people to the conversation. "I don't feel like doing his anymore, I call forth @Lightstriker195 "
on January 14, 2016

on January 14, 2016

Geez! My sword just fell over and hit me in the shin, gah it hurts (don't worry, It didn't draw blood)
on January 14, 2016

on January 13, 2016

In school, playing on qfeast and watching bleach... Nobody suspects a thing
on January 13, 2016

Updated bio due to social awkwardness
on January 13, 2016

OK guys, I'm running low on data like, really low, so I won't be on much until Friday evening, the times I will be on I will be using my schools Wi-Fi, so let's hope that it isn't messed up, though even if it is, I'm not really well known so who's gonna miss me?
on January 13, 2016

I do not like to have a big ego in fear that I will become a jerk and hurt the ones I love. Like and post if you agree
on January 13, 2016