KrisIsOk's Starred Questions
KrisIsOk has 10 starred questions
Would you rather spend Five Nights At Freddy's or spend Five Nights with the creepypastas?

What is your opinion on Lesbian Relationships? I want to know your guys opinion s o yea...
Crystal_Drowned did this. Sooo am I an Angel or a Demon? HI HI HI HI
What would you do if we met irl?
What would you do if you met me in real life? (1) HI HI HI HI

wwyd if u met me irl jumping on the #bandwagon
Ima do this too- wwyd if u met me irl?
wwyd if we met irl? doing this trend tooo widjkcn wifdkbjnwhe jdncwhejcb uwdjcbh uwebhj...