What r u thankful for this year?
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and i'm also thankful for
@SadisticLover See More
THANK you all of you for being here when i need someone to talk to ya are like a big fam to me❤️❤️
and i'm also thankful for
@SadisticLover See More
THANK you all of you for being here when i need someone to talk to ya are like a big fam to me❤️❤️

I wasnt on the list, but im glad your happy ^w^
on November 30, 2020
on November 27, 2020
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on November 27, 2020
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I'm thankful for you guys because you guys act like a family to me, my dog and my dad is coming back! that's all i'm thankful!
Who acts like a family to me!
1. Sara/ @Emoshadowqueen
2. Charlie/ @Times_Still_Ticking
3. Joy/ @pinkchocolate29
4. Travis/ @CatCatOdin
5. Hearteu/ @Kpop_emotions091 See More
6. Tylor/ @Karmas
7. @Anaresia
8. Soul Less/ @imasoullessbakugo
9. Harley Quinn/ @Jane_The_Killer1
10. nelly ash/ @ne_lly969_the_killer
11. Asher Jaxkson/ @BENYOI
12. Elizabeth Afton/ @TeenWithTourettes
13. Davie Foster/ @LoneWolf065
14. Jack earle/ @jack_earle
15. Cheshire Cat/ @pee_pee
16. brea /@eltonite
17. ? ???? ?????? ??../ @Your.local.idiot
18. @Wazzup
19. Virgil Sanders/@Masky_Weeb_Fan
20.Future daughter of number 1 p.../ @LeikoMidoriyaUraraka
21. tracye w./ @weird_animegirl
22. Himiko Toga-Chan/ @MyInnerYandereIsAyanoAishi
23. estella wife/ @southparkestellaismywife420
24. @NobodyReally
25. @SadisticLover
26. Cola QUEEN/ @Mina_Ashido
27. heidi allison/ @heidiallison
28. @ImAGleek
29. @Lil_Phoenix
30. Funtime Foxy/ @Error_Nugget
31. ✧☽ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ☾✧/ @supercutecatty
32. Sylvain Fire Emblem/ @vapelord420
33. Lia Burton/ @UselessAsADeku
34. @unicorncupcake
35. leah Yamachika/ @Little_lost_Alice
36. @Vyolet123
37. Lean, Mean Smol Bean Machine/ @breann.west.5
38. Toga Kamiko/@AishiAyano
39. Celestial Ribbons/ @Celestial.Ribbons
40. Leona Williams/ @emoangel28
41. @KittyKat5379
AND MORE JUST LOOK AT Who's alexthewolf369 Following!
Who acts like a family to me!
1. Sara/ @Emoshadowqueen
2. Charlie/ @Times_Still_Ticking
3. Joy/ @pinkchocolate29
4. Travis/ @CatCatOdin
5. Hearteu/ @Kpop_emotions091 See More
6. Tylor/ @Karmas
7. @Anaresia
8. Soul Less/ @imasoullessbakugo
9. Harley Quinn/ @Jane_The_Killer1
10. nelly ash/ @ne_lly969_the_killer
11. Asher Jaxkson/ @BENYOI
12. Elizabeth Afton/ @TeenWithTourettes
13. Davie Foster/ @LoneWolf065
14. Jack earle/ @jack_earle
15. Cheshire Cat/ @pee_pee
16. brea /@eltonite
17. ? ???? ?????? ??../ @Your.local.idiot
18. @Wazzup
19. Virgil Sanders/@Masky_Weeb_Fan
20.Future daughter of number 1 p.../ @LeikoMidoriyaUraraka
21. tracye w./ @weird_animegirl
22. Himiko Toga-Chan/ @MyInnerYandereIsAyanoAishi
23. estella wife/ @southparkestellaismywife420
24. @NobodyReally
25. @SadisticLover
26. Cola QUEEN/ @Mina_Ashido
27. heidi allison/ @heidiallison
28. @ImAGleek
29. @Lil_Phoenix
30. Funtime Foxy/ @Error_Nugget
31. ✧☽ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ☾✧/ @supercutecatty
32. Sylvain Fire Emblem/ @vapelord420
33. Lia Burton/ @UselessAsADeku
34. @unicorncupcake
35. leah Yamachika/ @Little_lost_Alice
36. @Vyolet123
37. Lean, Mean Smol Bean Machine/ @breann.west.5
38. Toga Kamiko/@AishiAyano
39. Celestial Ribbons/ @Celestial.Ribbons
40. Leona Williams/ @emoangel28
41. @KittyKat5379
AND MORE JUST LOOK AT Who's alexthewolf369 Following!
on November 27, 2020
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I'm thankful for the fact my family, my pets, and hopefully my friends are ok this year from the covid. I'm thankful that my drawing skills arent total sh*t, and that im still dating my boyfriend for roughly 5-6 years now. I'm thankful people i dont know have accepted my sexuality, and that the people i do know arent hurting me over it anymore. I'm thankful I live in a country that has taken precautions over the covid. I am thankful a lot of my stress is gone because i have online See More school instead of regular school. I'm thankful my chickens are alright. I'm thankful that my grandpa and my future art instructor both survived their heart attacks. I'm thankful that whatever is in me hasnt killed me yet. I'm thankful that people like how I look, and so I dont have to worry so much. I'm thankful I fell out of severe depression with faded scars on my arms. I'm thankful my scars are nearly invisible. I'm thankful I lost 15 pounds, even though its unhealthy, because it makes me less hateful towards myself. I'm thankful I made new friends on Qfeast. I'm thankful people actually notice my quizzes. I'm thankful that my best friends are alright
frankly.. I'm thankful to still be around
frankly.. I'm thankful to still be around
on November 30, 2020