KrisIsOk's Questions
KrisIsOk asked 33 questions
How long have you been in Qfeast? I have been on here since November 10th, 2020 (on my ...
What do u want for Christmas? I want Sonic Forces and Sonic Frontiers and a technoblade...
What is ur Zodiac sign? (1) I'm just wondering bc I was watching Zodiac signs (I'm a Ca...
Whats one song you always listen on loop? im just wondering and I was bored so-
Give me love words for a song so I see people singing "This is what falling in love fee...
Wat r some things I should not do? just saying I'm to stupid
Why do u guys followed me? Idk just saying! Is it bc u wanna be friends or u just want ...
How do I tell someone I don't like them? How do I tell someone I don't like them withou...
How u meet your love one? U don't have to answer if u dont want to! I understand its pr...

What should be her name? lulu or faith?
Wat if we ALL meet up? if we all meet up irl? Wat would you do? Will we have fun as a ...
Should I cos-play? so if @AlphaXD can *if he can* send me the hoodie of Anxiety should ...
Do i annoy u? plz tell mee be honest
Should I make a story? (2) its call His Guardian and its abt me as dream guardian but i...
Do I give u "Mother Vibes"? I just wanna know if I act like a mother to u
Beep and hi making this for no reason

Idk im bored wat should I do today at home? Wat should I do today bc I have no school t...

what was your embarrassing moment when you were young? okokok! everyone be HONEST!

Do u like scary month? :3 Just asking