What flowers should I put on my best friend's grave
1) Yellow Roses (because she would be graduating this year)
2) White Carnations (Because of their symbolism)
3) Pink Carnations (Because of their symbolism)
4) Alstroemeria (meaning of friendship *please fact check this I researched and I'm still trying to find flowers*)
1) Yellow Roses (because she would be graduating this year)
2) White Carnations (Because of their symbolism)
3) Pink Carnations (Because of their symbolism)
4) Alstroemeria (meaning of friendship *please fact check this I researched and I'm still trying to find flowers*)

White carnations
on May 19, 2020

I know I'm putting yellow roses on her grave I just need another flower to place.
on May 19, 2020
on May 19, 2020

I want to cosplay as kim possible but I can't so...

@damien I have the shirt I just don't have green pants and none of the thrift shops in town are open. I'm not going to a store and paying $30 dollars on a pair of pants I could get at Savers for $4.
I love thrift stores, that's how I got majority of the clothes in my closet and I have no shame.
I love thrift stores, that's how I got majority of the clothes in my closet and I have no shame.
on May 19, 2020
on May 19, 2020

I had a rant about a triggering topic however, I'm not going to post it until I can get it worded correctly.

Don't worry I'll put a TW on it, and explain what's in the rant. I'm slowly learning how to correctly tw my posts.
on May 19, 2020
on May 19, 2020

-My family yelling at me because a boy came to my house and I talked to him and actually smiled-
-my family thinking I like him-
I do like him, and he's a really sweet guy but if we were to date it wouldn't go anywhere. I don't do sex and I like women. There's a problem there. However, he is a really sweet guy and I actually like him he'd be the only guy I'd actually like but I won't date him because I still wouldn't sleep with him and I'm still more attractive to women and See More he understands.
-my family thinking I like him-
I do like him, and he's a really sweet guy but if we were to date it wouldn't go anywhere. I don't do sex and I like women. There's a problem there. However, he is a really sweet guy and I actually like him he'd be the only guy I'd actually like but I won't date him because I still wouldn't sleep with him and I'm still more attractive to women and See More he understands.

Also, this doesn't make me bisexual. I'm still a lesbian with ONE exception in my life. And that exception isn't really an exception since 1) We're not dating and 2) we won't date.
on May 19, 2020
on May 19, 2020

I need a new inhaler, and if I tell my mom she's going to bitch at me.

@damien because according to her I go through them way too fast and if I take my medicine (which I do) I wouldn't use my inhaler as much.
on May 19, 2020
on May 19, 2020

I'm just going to delete the post, because my entire life I've been told a paper bag can help asthma and I just did some research (after I was corrected and I do appreciate you for that, thank you). I'm kind of upset with myself though because I didn't research that, I just assumed that it coming from my mom and a doctor it was legit. It's not.
There are other ways to help with asthma:
https://www.healthxchange.sg/asthma/complications-management/survive-asthma-without-inhaler See More
I've crossed that with a few sites and I have used a couple of these tips. However, I'm not sure all of them work. However, sitting and taking in deep breaths does help. I do that all the time to keep myself from hyperventilating.
There are other ways to help with asthma:
https://www.healthxchange.sg/asthma/complications-management/survive-asthma-without-inhaler See More
I've crossed that with a few sites and I have used a couple of these tips. However, I'm not sure all of them work. However, sitting and taking in deep breaths does help. I do that all the time to keep myself from hyperventilating.

Complications & Management
Caught without an inhaler during an asthma attack?
on May 19, 2020

on May 19, 2020

I'll apologize for my posts, I've been sounding like a spoiled brat and I shouldn't be complaining.
on May 19, 2020

I hate going out with my mom in public, it's either her screaming and yelling at me or her being pissed for absolutely no reason and ranting about it.
on May 18, 2020

Alright rules
If you wake me up and I'm already a bitch, I'm Agent Gibbs in the morning. I need coffee, I need the anti murdery juice or there is no control over the level of sarcasm that will be unleashed.
If you wake me up and I'm already a bitch, I'm Agent Gibbs in the morning. I need coffee, I need the anti murdery juice or there is no control over the level of sarcasm that will be unleashed.
on May 18, 2020

Why does everyone feel the need to wake me up. I swear to god all I want is to f'ucking sleep peacefully. I only get like 3 hours of sleep and it keeps turning into less than that. LEAVE ME ALONE IN THE MORNING! STOP HARASSING ME AND LET ME SLEEP!!! I want more than just one. I'm tired, I get angry
Leave ? me ? alone ? in ? the ? morning ? unless ? you ? really ? want ? me ? to ? scream!
I am beyond pissed!
Leave ? me ? alone ? in ? the ? morning ? unless ? you ? really ? want ? me ? to ? scream!
I am beyond pissed!

STOP TREATING ME LIKE YOU F'UCKING OWN ME! News flash you don't, I'm an adult I can do my own shit. So leave me alone.
She's literally going to get her ass blocked from my phone and my Alexa and I'm going to get a f'ucking lock on my door. Unless I have to work (which I don't) leave me alone.
She's literally going to get her ass blocked from my phone and my Alexa and I'm going to get a f'ucking lock on my door. Unless I have to work (which I don't) leave me alone.
on May 18, 2020
on May 18, 2020

#1 Qfeaster of the Day more like #1 Friend WOOP!

on May 18, 2020
on May 18, 2020

I'm writing inspirational quotes and giving everyone happy memories of our time together in their thank you cards. They deserve happiness.
on May 18, 2020

Irrelevant uploaded a photo
Thinking about making my hair like that (it won't be long right away but yeah)

on May 18, 2020