Sailor_Moon unfollowed me, the amount of laughter is uncanny
I'm a horrible person
I'm a horrible person

I'll change uncanny later
on May 20, 2020
on May 20, 2020

Getting pronouns wrong on accident is fine, it happens. I do it with my cousin all the time and he's super okay with it. However, if you purposely use the wrong pronouns I'm sorry but I don't like you. That's rude.
on May 20, 2020

"You're a girl because you're feminine" And you're an asshole because the words you're saying is bullshit.

@damien Honestly, too many people at this point. It's happened to me twice, however it's recurring in the LGBTQ+ community
@jopping Right
@jopping Right
on May 20, 2020
on May 20, 2020

Qfeast be cancelling a lot of people
on May 20, 2020

Did I spend two hours making an appreciation jar for my friend? Why yes, yes I did.
Is she getting more stuff from me, why yes, yes she is.
Is she getting more stuff from me, why yes, yes she is.
on May 20, 2020

When I was in middle school someone asked if I was a goth or if I was emo.
Neither I'm a mistake :>
Please don't hate me
Neither I'm a mistake :>
Please don't hate me
on May 20, 2020

You can joke about hating men, that's fine I'll joke too man. If you're serious about it I don't stand sexism so get the f'uck off of my page.
on May 20, 2020

As a person who literally lost trust in men after what a couple guys REPEATEDLY did to me (not going into details, if you know you know). I don't hate men, why? Because they're not all bastards, some are actually really sweet guys who did nothing wrong. Yes, it took me awhile to TRUST men, never in my life have I ever considered men insufferable bastards! Yes, bad experiences happen I understand that, but you can't blame every f'ucking guy because of what someone else did. It's See More not fair.
on May 20, 2020

I'm very appreciative of my friends so if you're ever depressed you can bet your ass I'm showing up on your door step with shit you like.
I will spend $100 dollars on your ass to make you happy (okay maybe not that much, I'm not rich okay). I will buy you snacks, drinks, I will give you a little bag filled with little sheets of paper that have different things I love about you on them. I love you, and you're that damn important to me. I will drop everything to let you know how See More much you mean to me and this world, trust me when I say that. And if I can't get to you directly I will post on your wall or spam you messages with appreciation BECAUSE YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME!
My friends matter to me, they're my siblings and my source of life. Without them the world would be bare because my friends are funny, talented, beautiful and all out fabulous. You deserve the appreciation!
I will spend $100 dollars on your ass to make you happy (okay maybe not that much, I'm not rich okay). I will buy you snacks, drinks, I will give you a little bag filled with little sheets of paper that have different things I love about you on them. I love you, and you're that damn important to me. I will drop everything to let you know how See More much you mean to me and this world, trust me when I say that. And if I can't get to you directly I will post on your wall or spam you messages with appreciation BECAUSE YOU ARE EVERYTHING TO ME!
My friends matter to me, they're my siblings and my source of life. Without them the world would be bare because my friends are funny, talented, beautiful and all out fabulous. You deserve the appreciation!
on May 20, 2020

I'm planning a snack surprise for my friend because me and this one other girl love her to death.
on May 20, 2020

My friend sent me some worrying messages and won't respond to me or her other friends. I'm getting worried.
on May 20, 2020

I bought my hair stuff yesterday it takes 3 to 5 days... :> I'm going to make a tiktok of me dying my hair!
on May 20, 2020

I'll post some grad photos later, I'm too lazy right now (also I'm on my laptop)
on May 20, 2020

If I have to get in my car through the passenger side just to get to the drivers seat YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE PARKER! I literally made it so I didn't have to deal with that bs by taking the last spot and parking close to the yellow line on the right side while still being in the parking spot (I was at the end of the row, no one is going to park there). But you felt it necessary to take up two spots and make it so I have to go in through the passenger side door. Wow. Okay.
Now, I'm See More not the best at parking but this is seriously ridiculous.
Now, I'm See More not the best at parking but this is seriously ridiculous.

I'm also going to mention the fact that I've been blocked in before and that pissed me off.
on May 20, 2020
on May 20, 2020

Beyonce - "Pretty Hurts (Chloe x Halle Cover)"
our debut album the #thekidsarealright is out now: http://smarturl.it/TKAA watch the full official short film here: http://smarturl.it/TKAAalbumfilm ---- Lis...
on May 19, 2020

Kaiden Mae(@averagely_weird) on TikTok She does this all the time it was hilarious! #tiktokfamous #foryoupage #Myka #duet #loveyourself #lgbtq #youareloved #yourebeautiful #lesbian #gay
She does this all the time it was hilarious! #tiktokfamous #foryoupage #Myka #duet #loveyourself #lgbtq #youareloved #yourebeautiful #lesbian #gay
on May 19, 2020